CNN Has A Temper Tantrum Over Elon Musk/Trump Interview

1 month ago

Posted • August 13, 2024: Elon Musk's Trump interview brought in nearly ONE BILLION views last night and has likely accrued even more today. Musk has proven that X can and will be the best platform for politicians and news … and so our pals in the mainstream media are freaking out. Honestly, they started freaking out yesterday whining about misinformation and the fringe on X; they can't handle NOT being in charge or control of the narrative and if normies actually get a chance to hear the whole story they might start thinking for themselves. And Democrats can't HAVE that. Musk is of course, highly amused by all of their bellyaching.

Elon Musk @elonmusk: “A wall of negative headlines was so predictable. They’re such NPCs 🤣🤣 All this does is drive even more people to listen to the conversation themselves and realize how much the legacy media lies to them!” -- Collection of the negative headlines from the Trump x Elon spaces -- Legacy media lies. We know this. They know we know this and they only started to care when it became clear EVERYONE knows they know we know this. And it's ending. People would rather hear the news happening in real time and make their own decisions about stories than listen to the biased ramblings of CNN, MSNBC, or any other leftist-leaning outlet. Independent media is the key.

Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 Replying to @elonmusk: “Leftwing activists self select into "journalism" and it's an existential threat to the country. Good thing fewer and fewer people get their news from these NPCs. 𝕏 with community notes is a much quicker, more reliable place to consume news in most cases.” -- They never thought they'd get caught and then Elon bought Twitter. The headlines are just ridiculous whining and a desperate attempt to keep some of their audience and let's be honest, there are definitely people on the Left who want to be told what to think, why to think it, and what to do with it. But there aren't enough of them to keep the mainstream media afloat and they know it.

They are panicking dinosaurs on the brink of extinction. CNN and every other corporate media dinosaur on the brink of extinction are apoplecticly losing their minds over a two hour conversation between Donald Trump that was unscripted, compelling, and something Kamala Harris couldn’t do if her political career depended on it. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - 'SUCH NPCs'! Elon Musk MOCKING Media's TEMPER Tantrum Over His Trump Interview is HILARIOUSLY Brutal

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