Cute Kid Who Is Too Small To Use The Pressure Washer

6 years ago

Have you ever watch those cartoons in which somebody manages to go up in the sky simply by holding balloons? Or did you ever met a person who is so thin and could be easily blown up by a stronger wind? Luckily I am not one of those people. My love for food is here to ensure that wind, water or balloons don’t send me up to the sky. In this video, we can see a cute boy who tries to use a pressure washer. He is unaware of his size, and soon enough we see him falling from the pressure water is causing. Ouch! That is a real bummer. Somebody should tell him that he needs to wait few years to use it by himself. Am I right? Now, we can only admire his confidence. All of us could learn from him! Trust in yourself, and if you fall have a good laugh about it.

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