Young Girl Gets A Cell Phone For Her Birthday And Her Reaction Is Just Priceless

6 years ago

Getting a present for a birthday always feels nice! But getting something that you really want so much, but don’t really expect it, it’s just amazing! Plus, if you were just as young as the girl in this video, your reaction would probably be the same. Check out this video and see if we were right! This video shows an adorable young girl who is opening her birthday present with her sister, while their parents stand on the other side of a camera and wait for her reaction. She patiently unwraps the present, and when she sees what’s inside the box she covers her mouth and starts to cry! OMG! She tries to thanks her parents, but she can hardly speak! That’s how much excited she is! I bet she had no idea that the parents knew her secret wish to have a cell phone. But you know what they say, parents usually know us better than we know ourselves!

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