Go into my rest

2 months ago

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Go into My Rest

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
12.07.2024 14.17

I saw in the spirit how the bride put on the jewelry at the wedding.

This is the year of jubilee.

My bride is beautiful and wonderfully made. She is created in My image and in My likeness.

Proverbs 13,22 says The wealth of the sinners is stored up for the righteous Remnants says the Lord of Host.

Very soon you will be able to see the wealth that I AM about to give My bride. There is a wealth the world hasn't seen yet.

My bride is beautiful, healed, restored, powerful and victorious. Very soon, yes in a very short time You will be transformed and My sons will be revealed.

This is the year of jubilee on the Earth and My glory is about to hit the Earth like never before.

Nobody has ever seen it before. Now is the time and My Remnants are in alignment with Me.

Signs, wonders and miracles will be in your realm. Because My Kingdom has come and My will be done here on the Earth as it is in Heaven.

My children will know My holiness, My power and My glory.
These days I AM coming with fire to cleanse My Bride. I AM coming to a pure, a holy and a radiant Bride.

A holy fire is on the altar in the hearts of My Remnants who are completely sold out for Me.

Ask of Me and I will give you the nations as your heritage. Some of you has been asking Me to give you the nations as your heritage and I have heard your prayers. I AM the God of all the nations of the Earth.

The time is already accelerating and I will quicken the time and I will make My Bride to advance in everything.

The wealth will finance the greatest Harvest in the world's history. My Bride is no longer poor, held back, held down, beaten, be cheating on, lied to.

She has taken the full armor of God and she is pushing back, beating the Satans and all the demonic forces.

She makes them scream of fear like never before because they know that their time is short! Because I have given the authority and the victory to My Bride. My Remnants will keep holding Antichrist back until it is his time. He came too early. Stand your ground and never give in! Says the Lord of Host!

Isaiah 61,3
Isaiah 61,2
Proverbs 13,22
Jeremiah 33,3
Acts 2,22
Mark 16,20
Acts 14,3
Acts 5,12
Acts 15,12
2 Corinthians 12,12
Psalm 2,8
Acceleration. Cambridge:
The increase in something's speed, or its ability to go faster.
Hurrying and doing things quickly.

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