1 month ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Dear Father, Lord Jesus we ask that You would send laborers into the fields
around the world. In every place Your Word is preached, call and anoint fishers
of men. Even in the most difficult places we pray the nets would be let down and
be filled with a new, abundant, spiritual harvest in this hour. We pray for the nets
of salvation to overflow with decisions for Christ in our homes, our churches, our
schools, our prisons, our streets, our cities and nations. Revive Your work in the
earth! Raise up and send your sons and daughters to proclaim the gospel. We
pray that faith, revelation, and repentance will be given to all who hear the
message and that salvation in the name of Jesus will be chosen by men and
women everywhere.

Father, seek and save the lost today! Shod your servants with the power of the
gospel that men may be reconciled to You. Send Your servants, pour out the
Holy Spirit, and release the reapers, Your angels to bring those who have not
yet believed into Your fold. Where the preaching of the gospel is bound or
prohibited, we pray for sovereign conversions in the manner of Saul of Tarsus on
the road to Damascus. We pray for divine appointments and for a release of
faith exercised from the heart to cause sinners to repent and salvation to
abound. We ask for household salvation and intercede with those who are
praying for lost loved ones. We harmonize with their prayers that these family
members will come to Christ. Where there is one believing as Rahab at Jericho
or Cornelius at Caesarea or the keeper of the prison at Thyatira, cause their
righteousness and faith to be a beacon and a well of salvation springing up to
testify and convict, to save and bring into salvation all the members of a family
or household. Father of Lights, let the light of Your Presence shine to illuminate
Your Son in even the darkest places!
Father, we cry to You for those who are spiritually sick and dying without a
revelation of faith in Jesus Christ. We pray for the Spirit of holy conviction to
shake the hearts of our citizens that they would no longer conform to this world
but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. Send Your Holy Spirit through
believing vessels to bring the word of faith and repentance to those who are
thirsty for God. As Christ has shed His blood for the cleansing of the sins for all
who will receive Him, we lay hold of His saving power and the full effects of His
intercession as our High Priest before the throne of heaven as we ask for
salvation of souls today.

Father, cause Your Spirit to seek and save the lost in every corner of the land
that Your Book of Life may be written in today with new names of those
receiving eternal life through faith in Your death, burial and resurrection. You
have declared that only the Father knows the hour of Your return, prepare the
way we pray by the preaching of the gospel message and a great ingathering of
souls this day.

Thank You for answering and sending power and grace from Your sanctuary.
Jesus, Lover of our souls, as You stand knocking upon the door of our hearts,
cause them to hear and answer that the nations will walk in heaven’s light, and
kings will bring their splendor into it.

In Jesus’ holy name, Amen.

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