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OPERATION GOMORRAH September 1st 1939
I will let you judge both sides, you will decide for yourself.
September 1st 1939.
This offensive culminated in a series of five attacks on Dresden.
Dresden had no defenses, no antiaircraft guns, no searchlights, nothing.” hundreds of thousands of people fled the advancing army into eastern Poland, Warsaw.
You can seek links if missing in the list. You will be surprised.
Documents on Free Speech in Australia, and the country's Ban on David Irving. In late 2003 David Irving was finally granted permission to visit Australia to give public talks in defense of his views.
In November 2005 David Irving was arrested in Austria. For links to documents relating to the subsequent 2006 show trial of David Irving in Austria click here. And on the same page are links concerning attempted censorship of any criticism of the official story of "The Holocaust".
(This applies to me in Australia today)
Q? Why would Hitler build camp's, give work, pay, and get rid of typhus.
Answer is...
There is no gas chambers at any of the camps, they are work camp's before the war and owned by few other groups.. I will prove that with facts. Information below. Not in order🔸️ information is there is you seek it. I saved all
The word 'holocaust' comes from ancient Greek and means 'burnt offering'. Even before the Second World War, the word was sometimes used to describe the death of a large group of people, but since 1945, it has become almost synonymous with the murder of the European Jews during the Second World War.
Real Holocaust Victims Were the Victims of British Firebombing in WW2 -Michele Renouf
The real holocaust - Dresden Inferno an allied war crime.
Let you judge both sides.
Britannica gives you some good information.
For Germany the conference affirmed the project for dividing the country into occupation zones, with the difference that the U.S. zone was to be reduced in order to provide a fourth zone, for the French to occupy. Roosevelt and Churchill, however, had already discarded the Morgenthau Plan for the postwar treatment of Germany; and Yalta found no comprehensive formula to replace it.
Strategic bombing started World War II September 1st 1939.
War was then declared on Germany,
3rd September 1939 when war was declared as Germany never intended to attack or harm Great Britain or the British Empire. Bombing of civilian populations was instigated by Churchill on the May 11th 1940 breaking the stalemate and forcing German retaliation. While it has also been noted that under Churchill’s orders German medical relief was often shot down.
The Allied bombing of Hamburg during World War II included numerous attacks on civilians and civic infrastructure. As a large city and industrial centre, Hamburg's shipyards, U-boat pens, and the Hamburg-Harburg area oil refineries were attacked throughout the war.
Date: 19 September 1939.
Hamburg, Wilhelmshafen and Münster were frequent targets.
(June–October 1940) lack of bombing accuracy meant that little damage was done (See Butt Report (August 1941)....
Read: Raids on Hamburg during Second World War
Meanwhile, Roosevelt, had put aside his call in September 1939 against bombing cities – what he then called "inhumane barbarism." In August 1941 he told his Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, that the German people had to have it.
France and the United Kingdom countries had pacts with Poland and had declared war on Germany on 3 September with U.S, Australia and New Zealand.
International law at the outset of World War II did not specifically forbid aerial bombardment of cities despite the prior occurrence of such bombing during World War I, the Spanish Civil War, and the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Invasion of Poland
1 September – 6 October 1939 (1 month and 5 days)
Germany claimed that the territory ceded to Poland in 1919–1922 should be returned to Germany.
Germany lost Poland after World War1 and then World war 2.
Highlights you need to understand.
*Strategic bombing during World War II began on Germany, 1 September 1939 by the British.
The bombing was unsuccessful because they were not hitting the targets.
*Invasion of Poland
1 September – 6 October 1939, started at 4.45 am. Germany acted in defence.
*War was then declared on Germany,
3rd September 1939
*France and the United Kingdom countries had pacts with Poland, and had declared war on Germany on 3 September with U.S, Australia and New Zealand.
Don't forget
*1913 federal reserve was put in place against the public.
*The sinking of the Cunard ocean liner RMS Lusitania occurred on Friday, 7 May 1915 during the First World War. This was caused by US and the European Jewish Rothschilds to start conflicts with Germany, but Germany did not respond with war.
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Forbidden history 1 & 2
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🔹️Der Zweite Weltkrieg von Janusz Piekalkiewicz (Ausschnitt)
S21: Am Montag, dem 30.Januar 1933, ernennt Reichspräsident von Hindenburg den "unbekannten Gefreiten des Ersten Weltkrieges", Adolf Hitler, zum Reichskanzler. ... Am Freitag, dem 3.Februar 1933, erläutert Hitler der Reichswehrführung seine Pläne: Ausrottung des Bolschewismus, Kampf gegen den Versailler Vertrag, Eroberung von "Lebensraum".
Nach dem Reichstagsbrand vom Montag, dem 27.Februar 1933, hebt Hitler am nächsten Tag durch eine Notverordnung sämtliche in der Verfassung garantierten Freiheitsrechte auf.
An diesem 28.Februar 1933 entsteht mit der Herausgabe der Notverordnung das eigentliche Grundgesetz des NS-Regimes: Die Freiheit und Unverletzlichkeit der Person, der Wohnung, des Briefgeheimnisses, dazu die Meinungs-, Versammlungs- und Vereinsfreiheit sowie die Gewährleistung des Eigentums werden "bis auf weiteres" außer Kraft gesetzt und dabei der verfasssungsrechtliche Ausnahmezustand hervorgerufen, der erst im Mai 1945 mit dem Zusammenbruch des Dritten Reiches endet. ...
S23: Am Montag, dem 20.März 1933, entsteht auf Anordnung von Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler das KZ-Lager Dachau, das erste von 22 Lagern mit insgesamt 165 Außenstellen, die während der NS-Herrschaft errichtet werden. Im Frühjahr 1933 befinden sich allein in Preußen bereits etwa 25'000 Personen in Schutzhaft. Bis zum Sommer 1933 entstehen zahlreiche große KZ-Lager wie Oranienburg, Esterwegen und Papenburg.
🔸️The Second World War by Janusz Piekalkiewicz (Excerpt)
P21: On Monday, the 30th of January, 1933, [German] Reichspresident von Hindenburg names the "Unknown Corporal" of the First World War, Adolf Hitler, as German Chancellor. ... On Friday, Febrauary 3, Hitler addresses the German Military Command, explaining his plans to eradicate Boshevism, fight the Treaty of Versailles, and conquer additional territory for German expansion.
🔹️The day following the Reichstagsbrand, [the fire which burned down the German Parliament building] of Monday, February 27, 1933, Hitler issues an emergency decree suspending all guaranteed Constitutional Rights.
On this day, the 28th of February 1933, by issue of this emergency decree, the de-facto Constitution of the National Socialist regime comes into being: Freedom and Inviolability of Person, Domicile, Correspondence, also Feeedom of Expression, Right of Assembly and Right of Association, as also too Right of Ownership, are abrogated "until further notice" and a State of Emergency declared, which only ended in May of 1945 with the collapse of the Nazi regime. ...
P23: On Monday, the 20th of March, 1933, by order of Reichsführer of the SS Heinrich Himmler, the Concentration Camp Dachau was created, the first of 22 camps with 165 subsidiaries to be built during the Nazi era. In Spring of 1933, already alone in Prussia 25,000 people had been placed under "preventive detention". By summer, numerous large concentration camps such as Oranienburg, Esterwegen and Papenburg had been built.
Bishop Williamson - Not a single jew died in a gas chamber.
The Fred Leuchter Report - Exposing the Holocaust
Fred Leuchter Report
Jews tell truth about the holocaust.
Holocaust hoax - They were not gas chambers.
Mark Weber vs Michael Shermer - Holocaust Debate
David Coles 1994 conference speech
The Holocaust Exposed - Documentary. Banned in Europe
Benjamin H Freedman 1961 speech - Warning To America.
What did the Jews do to the German people
The Holocaust ‘6 Million’ LIE !
Old Almanacs and Encyclopedia never lie.
(Jewish population in Germany 1938: 240,000)
JEWS INCREASE BY 432,741 in 5 years by 1938.
World Almanac, Population of Jews:
1938 – 15,748,091 Million, pg. 510.
1949 – 15,713,638 Million, pg. 289.
The truth is, the Holocaust story is a lie – at least most of it. If it were true then there would be no need for America’s allies to imprison people who question it. What do the Holocaust pushers have to fear? Why not just let the evidence speak for itself? There is no other historical subject on Earth that we cannot discuss or debate, so why should this story be any different? The answer is simple, they have something to hide… like the truth.
In the work camp's, Typhus killed the workers, not gas. Thousands died in the camps, not millions...
The camps were run by (Prescott Bush, Rockafella's & Rothschilds) the owner's of buckeye steel company - railroad industry and the oil companies.
(Jewish population in Germany 1938: 240,000)
World Almanac, Population of Jews:
Pre and post war encyclopedia and world almanacs show they are not missing 6 million jews.
World Almanac
1938, pg. 510 -- world Jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 -- 15,600,000
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population -- 15,319,359
World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population -- 15,690,000
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population -- 15,713,638
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 -- 15,300,000.
Nearly 270,000 Jews have emigrated out of Germany into Palestine.
Documenting the ethnic cleansing of truth (and people) by the anti-Semitic Jews.
Why are US taxpayers, the vast majority of whom are descendants and relatives of these dead Christians, expected to pay for holocaust memorials for six million jews who weren't even Americans, are an enemy foreign power, aided and abetted our enemy and according to the jews' own statistics didn't even die?
Text and pictures thanks to Source
"We will carry out a greater holocaust against the Palestinians," Matan Vilnai, Deputy israeli Defense Minister.
Before and after the “Holocaust”: Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948
“Care must be taken not to give a platform for deniers… or seek to
disprove the deniers’ position through normal historical debate and
rational argument.”
— ‘Guidelines for Teaching about the Holocaust’ at the Stockholm
International Forum, 2000
“One should not ask, how this mass murder was made possible. It was
technically possible, because it happened. This has to be the obligatory
starting-point for any historical research regarding this topic. We
would just like to remind you: There is no debate regarding the
existence of the gas chambers, and there can never be one.”
— “34 reputable historians” published in the prominent French
daily Le Monde on February 21, 1979
“It is necessary to recognize that the lack of traces involves the inability
to directly establish the reality of the existence of homicidal gas
— French ‘historian’ Jacques Baynac, Le Nouveau Quotidien
(Lausanne, Switzerland), Sept. 3, 1996, p. 14.
“Mass human cyanide gas chambers have never existed in human
history.” The affirmation here is that normal hygiene technology
functioned in an ordinary, normal manner in the German labour
camps: that is the core essence of what is today meant by “Holocaust
“The three victor nations, Russia, America and Britain, collaborated
together at Nuremberg to fabricate the horrorillusion, which would
FACTS not fiction
Holocaust propaganda photographs
BUSTED! How Jewish Reds & The New York Times started the Holocaust Myth
Judea Declares War On Germany
Jews Of All The World Unite
Boycott Of German Goods
Mass Demonstrations
How the Zionist Network Dragged America into World War I & II
Q & A Session with David Irving on Winston Churchill
Adolf Hitler - Germany Wants Disarmament May 17th 1933. Peace offering.
Undeniable PROOF that Adolf Hitler wanted Peace with England & France.
Hitler wanted peace and an alliance with England and France
Hitlers victory - a final appeal for peace and sanity july 19th 1940
What Adolf Hitler said about great Britain. Peace offering.
"Now we have forced Hitler to war, so that he can no longer peacefully pick up
a piece of the Versailles Treaty [dictates] after another."
Lord Halifax, English Ambassador to Washington, 1939 (see "Nation Europa", Year 1954, No. 1, p.
What the World Rejected; Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939
(230 and 231) Blueprint 2521, drawn up on 30 June 1943 in the Economic Main Administration Office of the SS in Berlin, provided for the construction of a new camp section B III for the reception of approximately 16,000 sick inmates as well as a quarantine section. Partial translation:
"Auschwitz Prisoner of War Camp - Infirmary
30 beds, 24 beds, 48 beds", etc.
Auschwitz Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth full
Research: Jewish Ritual Murder, Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited, Jura Lina The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism, The Other Israel, The Jewish conspiracy, Understanding anti-semitism, The Khazarian Conspiracy, A Devil in disguise, Auschwitz the Missing Cyanide, Judea declares war on Germany, Dumb portrayal of evil Buchenwald, David Cole at Auschwitz, One third of the holocaust, Auschwitz why the gas-chambers are a myth, The last days of the big lie, The persecution of Revisionists, Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel, Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide, The Money Masters, (Videos)
On youtube or
Deutsch : "Schwindlers liste" ” Auschwitz die warheit" "Holocaust meine mutter hat uns belogen" “Das problem der gaskammern” “ Ernst Zündel interview mit Thies Christophersen”” Buchenwald ohne Propaganda” ”Ein Drittel des Holocausts””David Cole in Auschwitz” “Buchenwald Ein Dumm Dreistes Portrait des Boesen” on youtube or
Hellstorm The death of nazi Germany by Thomas Goodrich
Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufmann
Other losses and Crimes and mercies by
James Baque(Books)
Google "Jews and bolshevism"
Google "Eisenhowers deathcamps"
Google "The Morgenthau plan" "The Kaufmann plan" "The Hooton plan" (Still in effect ?)
David Irvings books and research on WW2
David Dukes research on jewish history and Zionism and his book "Jewish Supremacism"
Dr. William Luther Pierces inspiring videos and programs on Race preservation.
Jared Taylor on Race and Crime.
Research names : Ilya Ehrenburg, Lazar Kaganovitch, Lavrenty Beria, Theodore Herzl and the Talmud teachings. Lazar Kaganovitch
Hope you will find it interesting.
Before you look, about 50% of the links are missing. I have saved most and whatis important. So go through please.
Google the Kaufmann, Morgenthau and Hooton plan.
Three detailed plans for the Extermination of the German people written by Jews.
Sterilization and Immigration are the methods described.
Food additives and vaccines almost without exception affect fertility and brainfunctions.
Sound weird ? Yes ,but why do muslims birthrate drop like a rock when they move to European countries ?
Additives by jewish controlled firms like Monsanto, and jewish Jonas Salk (polio) started the wave of vaccines. Most if not all vaccines turns out were issued after the deseases had declined on their own.
Jewish organisations like the ADL have been pushing immigration into white countries (but not into Israel)
Have the exterminationplans against the Germans been modified and now turned on the entire white (Christian) culture ?
Check out Dr. David Kelly and Joseph Moshe from the links further down.
I`m just asking.
Also google the Samson Option and the Kalergi-Plan
Gugel den Kaufmann, Morgenthau und Hooton plan.
Drei detaillierte pläne für die vernichtung des Deutschen volk von juden geschrieben.
Sterilisation und immigration waren die beschriebene methoden.
Zusatzstoffe im essen und impfungen haben beinahe ohne ausnahme einwirkung auf die fruchtbarkeit und hirnfunktionen.
Klingt komisch ? Ja, aber warum fallen die muslimiesche geburtsraten wie ein stein wenn sie nach Europäischen ländern einwandern ?
Zusatzstoffe von jüdisch kontrolierten firmen wie Monsanto und die impfungswelle die der jüdische Jonas Salk (polio) angefangen hat. Jetzt stellt sich auch noch fest das die meisten wenn nicht alle krankheiten schon von sich selber zurückgegangen sind bevor die impungungen introduziert wurden.
Jüdische organisationen wie die ADL haben sich für immigration in den weissen ländern eingesetzt (aber nicht in Israel)
Hat man die vernichtungspläne modifiziert und jetzt gegen die ganze weisse (christliche) kultur gewendet ?
Recherche Dr. David Kelly und Joseph Moshe von den webseiten untendran.
Ich frag ja nur.
Gugeln sie auch die Samson Option und den Kalergi-plan
“The Holocaust is a successful historical FICTION” – Chief Rabbi Arye Friedman Vienna, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Dec. 12, 2006, p. 7
Yet even when the plague at Auschwitz, originally reading 4 million dead, was replaced with a smaller plaque with 1.5 million the ‘sacred’ 6 million did not decrease. Incredibly.
The Great War.. Perhaps the marketing didn’t catch on then. For the White man questioning the Jew seems to be a criminal act and it is labelled ‘anti-Semitism’. All though if White man got off his knees the simple answer to cries of ‘Holocaust’ is the Holodomor, an artificial famine instigated by Jewish Bolshevik butchers.
The Real Holocaust Victims Were the Victims of British Firebombing in World War II - Michele Renouf.
Get off your knees Germany!!! ERNST ZÜNDEL
Monika Schaefer tells her story of Imprisonment in Germany for speaking out about the Holocaust
The Greatest Story Never Told - Adolph Hitler.
The manipulation of history - David Irving
The Zionist Influence Over Winston Churchill - David Irving.
How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor - Robert Higgs.
Jews control the media. 21pages
Jesuits, Jews, Christianity, and Bolshevism: An Existential Threat to Germany?
Websites of Interest
“Who Really Caused WW2 ?”
The rest of the information is here....
Before and after the “Holocaust”: Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р) was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an officially estimated 7 million to 10 million innocent lives (other estimates range as low as 2.5 million). It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.
Observations Considered genocide by 25 countries.
During WW2
Dresden was classed a holocaust done by British on the people. short term - (burned by fire) sacrificed.
The holodomor also happened to Germany after Dresden and nearing the end of WW2. Food, medical shortages.
European Jew(Rothschilds) done this to the people, while breaching to you it was all Jews gassed.
The holocaust neo nazi Zionist Jews use this to keep the lies going for profit. Divide and conquer they say.
Dr Disrespect
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