Neil Oliver says we need to ridicule the Davos crowd

1 month ago

"The people that we see at Davos and all of the rest of it. They really do take themselves incredibly seriously and their bubbles are readily burst, you can burst the pomposity with ridicule and at the very least by just turning your back on them...they're herd animals these people and they want your attention. And if you just turn away from them and walk away, we should all just turn away from them and walk away. And then they will suddenly want our attention again.
They think they've got us. They think that time has passed. As I say we seem to have gone into this what you going to do about it anyway phase of civilization. And they think that is the reality. But it only lasts as long as people keep playing their part in the pantomime, i.e. being the audience. They're up there on the on with their cheap sets and their make up slipping off their faces and we know that they're just trotting out familiar lines, we've heard all the songs before and if people would just as it were get up out of their seats and just walk out. Just walk out of the theatre. And then we might have a party."

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