councillor gets robot replacement

21 days ago


1.A guidance counsellor who helps.
Delivering right advice to people.
Is going to retire.
Need someone for the counsellor's job.

Chorus lead
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
Counsellor gonna retire.
Get's a robot to take over job.
Robot good in counselled job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.

2. Counsellors has ton of resumes.
Finding a person for the job.
Started interviewing one by one.
Counsellor couldn't find the person.

Chorus lead
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
counsellor gonna retire.
Get's a robot to take over job.
Robot good in counselled job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.

3. Counsellor went to robot scientist.
Told scientist what type of robot.
Type of robot is a counsellor.
Transfer counsellor's knowledge to robot.

Chorus lead
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
counsellor gonna retire.
Get's a robot to take over job.
Robot good in counselled job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.

4.Retirement day for the counsellor.
Robot is the replacement.
Counsellor observing robots performance.
People are waiting to see counsellor.

Chorus lead
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
counsellor gonna retire.
Get's a robot to take over job.
Robot good in counselled job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.

counsellor surprise with robots performance.
Robot has help alot of people.
People happy with robots advice.
Scientist will look after the robot.
While counsellor enjoys his retirement.

Chorus lead
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
Counsellor gets a robot replacement.
counsellor gonna retire.
Get's a robot to take over job.
Robot good in counselled job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.
Solve counsellor replacement job.

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