Intuitive Guidance From Animals, Horse Predicts Earthquake

6 months ago

Horse Predicts Earthquake 2 minutes beforehand, Geometric healings, Equine desire to heal Humanity

Aimee Mosco is an author, columnist, channel and co-founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. (IHS) Over the course of 8 years, she developed a master healing system (called SACRED) and a multi-layered technique (called the Divine Purpose Alignment Technique) after mapping the components of the human energy field based on her channeled communications.

Aimee works as an intuitive who specializes in facilitating healing of the body, heart, mind, and soul in humans and animals alike. She is able to view the matrix of an energy field, read the programming that impacts current experiences and decode subtle energetic messages that often roadblock the healing process. As an intuitive channel, she is also able to receive messages to support healing from the Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, and benevolent guides as well.
She trains practitioners to facilitate healing with her various systems and she teaches classes based on her books “Gratitude + Forgiveness x(Love) = Happiness” and “Daily Agreements, Guidelines & Intentions”. Aimee is a former co-host of the “Evolve Through Love” Show, current columnist for a California publication “Coachella Valley Weekly”, and she serves on advisory committees to both global and local charity organizations - World Game-Changers based in the UK, and Coachella Valley Horse Rescue in California.
Aimee has dedicated her journey to helping all living beings through her healing practice and teaching people to help themselves. Her desire to assist in this way inspired the collaborative project and global healing movement, IHS Unity (, created with her co-author, Donald Ferguson. You can find Aimee at or and through her channeling page on Facebook @IHSAimeeMosco.

Connect with Michele at or 44 07950 593637 (whatsapp): Private sessions with your animal companion (here or in Spirit):
Specializing in Trauma, Unexplained Behavior Changes, Physical Issues, Palliative Care and Messages from those in Spirit. Profound healing, enlightenment, and transformations.
Michele’s show “Intuitive Guidance From Animals” is posted every Wednesday at 7pm EST - SHARE, FOLLOW, COMMENT. Let’s grow the awareness together.


Connect with Lisa Schermerhorn to consult on a Vaxx Healing for you or your loved ones -
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Lisa's show "Where Truth Lies", is posted every Wednesday at 10:00.
If you are interested in a session with Lisa, please email her at
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Youtube @lisaschermerhorncoaching
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