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Come watch me be censored LOL Prayer: Dear Jesus, Thank you for guiding me to write this book. I want to open people's eyes so they no longer see in darkness. I want to bring a light to them. I want people to eat good food and not just poop fed to them. I want to feed them scripture instead of propaganda. I am going to start the book talking about myself and leadership. This is to give people the idea that I'm trying to talk myself up. And maybe I will some. But I am going to close all about you. You are the Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom. In the darkness, we have seen a bright light. May you lead us eternally. May I help more people follow you Jesus. Amen, James Praise Jesus, Jehovah, and the Holy Spirit. Chapter I: They want you to argue politically (Main Stream Media) Ever talk politics with someone? It quickly descends into emotions and people get upset and argue. Nothing is gained and people get upset at friends. Do you know this is by design? If the regular folk are out arguing, the regular folk are never going to agree on good political ideas. No grass roots ideas will rise up so that the politicians will have to what is right. Instead, since we are all divided, the bribed politicians in power will do anything they want. And they want to do what the people who bribed them wants and then tell us why it is good for us. They care about their own money and power over what is good for the people. They want to keep us in the dark and feed us crap. "If you ever find yourself arguing with friends or people on the internet, it can put you in a long term bad mood. To combat being in this bad mood, go order out some food like pizza and spend some quality time with loved ones: friends and family. That argument funk feeling falls off." Who is getting us to argue though? Well mostly the news pushes argument scripts. Ever think the news is very boring because it keeps saying the same thing? That is because it doesn't want to admit that topics are very complex. They want the simple minded to think that political topics are very simple. They want to push that the other party is the reason we can't get things done. They want you to argue. "Many smart people sometimes watch the news, but you cannot get smart by watching the news." The news wants to paint the topics as simple and repetitive because they want to drill it in your mind the way to argue. I avoid watching the news often because I see through this propaganda. I don't want to have a place in my mind to let them influence me and argue with my friends. Actually I take that back. I like to watch the news to see what they're pushing. "In Russia, people read the single party state run Pravda newspaper to learn what the state is trying to push" In the United States it is more tricky to keep the populace under control. Instead of one party, they have two parties. It turns out that what they push is less important than how they push it. It doesn't matter what either party stands for, so long as they're polar opposites and arguing. As long as you have a populace arguing, grass roots ideas do not form. The last thing politicians want is the American people asking en mass for policy change that is against what their lobbyists are bribing them for. Grass roots politics rising up and getting mass acceptance is what they're afraid of. This is why they want us arguing. "The politicians at the highest level are bribed by lobbyists. They take legalized bribe money for campaigns. Then they do what they're lobbyists want them to do and tell the American people that it is best for us. The politicians aren't always telling us the truth. ” The United States has a law against buying a citizen's vote. The fear is that if a politician wants to get elected locally, they could go around house to house and give each person a dollar to vote for them. Then citizens not caring who gets elected would vote for the guy,”Hey, dude gave me a dollar, lets make him in charge of us!” Everyone looks at this law and goes,”That's a great law. Let us not have our democracy subverted by money.” That is nothing compared to the rife corruption going on now! We have entities and organizations buying politicians out by bribes. Instead of politicians being for the people, random wealthy organizations are using politicians in their pockets to write legislation. “Way back in Boy Scouts we were talking about our United States democracy. I heard that corporations can legally bribe people running for Congress and I felt very bad to my stomach. I asked my Scout Leaders,'If it is like this, isn't money going to corrupt our government eventually?' They reassured me that politicians are still going to do things that are best for the people. I don't think this is true now, but back then, I am glad they didn't leave me in a bad state to be concerned for our country being corrupted” “I don't want you to have a bad mind state reading this either.

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