CrossTalk! on Revolution Radio Ep. 1 "Complaining about the Condition"

6 months ago

Join me today on my first show at Revolution Radio. Go and check at the website (, the chatroom and the archives for all past shows. You can listen to me live every Wednesday from 2pm - 3pm EST.

In this first show we are going to be talking about complaining about the condition and what is this really doing for us. I would say nothing that is constructive so let's talk a little about it and dismantle this behavior. Let's set a standard and raise that bar back to where it should be. Ya' know, maybe somewhere above ground at least. If you listen to this show each week you will hear about all sorts of topics. I will be discussing history, sharing some personal experiences from time to time and once in a while will be sharing my take on spirituality. I do a lot of writing so I will be reading to you some of the work I write about. We are also going to be inviting some amazing guests each month. You will get to know many new people all with great work. I will always do what I can to bring the absolute objective truth and hopefully along the way you might be able to learn something new to consider. I look forward to building a great new relationship with Revelation Radio and all its listeners. Thank you all for joining me today.

If you enjoy my work, please consider donating a few bucks as times is tough. All donations are greatly appreciated and allow me to continue to do this great work.

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