Heart of Gold

1 month ago

Heart of Gold
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If you ever find yourself being sad for others when they are going through rough times.
If you find yourself being happy as you watch others succeed.
If you find yourself giving all you can to those you find in need.
Sometimes a tear drop runs down your cheek as you watch a triumph unfold,
you my friend may very well have a heart of gold.
At times it may seem like a blessing and other times a curse as you witness our world going from bad to worse.
You believe in goodness when others don't seem to care, when a friend is needed you find yourself there.
At times you want to take your heart and give it all away, just trying to hold it all together for another day.
Love is a power, you here them say.
If only they could walk in your shoes for one single day.
Maybe they would then see the light as to why you hold on to those you love so tight.
When someone is down you use that power to shine the light.
You listen to them speak, they just need to be heard and like a sponge you absorb each and every word.
They do not believe you understand their pain, little do they realize you have been here before and your
right here now with them again.
Love is always a blessing when it is focused on you, they sometimes can't see it because they are feeling so blue.
You just want to tell them that everything will be all right, but this world seems hopeless in the darkness of night.
So you reach out your hand and pull them into the light, speaking your best words in hopes to make things right.
It is not ever easy to be you, but with God on your side, he will see you through.
Always and forever remember, and it is true that God gave you that heart of Gold not to punish you, but because he
want you to know that you are special and he loves you too. This world you live in, God knows really needs more people just like you. Always remain humble from the start, give all the glory to our father in heaven for he blessed you greatly with that golden heart. Some times deep inside that heart, you may feel like it is falling apart,
but the power that it holds comes from the greatest of love since the beginning of time and has the power and strength to stand the test of time. God will not forsake you and will always see you through.
Please try to remember Jesus is Love and he made you this way for a reason, to help those you can
no matter the season. Yes, you are special because God loved you first, even if you feel as if that
golden heart beating in your chest is about to burst. Hold on to your faith, everything is going to be alright.
The good Lord has your back both day and night. No, in that heart you may feel as if it is all for nothing
but that heart of gold is a gift from heaven to you because God knows your spirit and the good that you can do.
share that Love with the world and with everyone you can and leave each and every worry in the good Lords hand.
Last thing before I go, know that Jesus does Love you because the Bible told you so.
This my friend is and will always be true God knew what he was doing when he created you.

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