Boy Reads No Pet Waste Sign And Then Steps In Dog Poop

6 years ago

This hilarious video is brimming with hilarious events! If you were feeling down, the adventures of this little boy will help you cheer up instantly! We all know that learning how to read is a pretty long process. And it’s not the easiest thing in the world either. But you know what they say, if there’s a will, there's a way. And that’s exactly this little boy's philosophy. He couldn’t possibly read the ‘no pet waste sign” but that didn’t stop him from trying. He manages to recognize a few letters in each of the words on the sign and those few letters inspire him to tell his own story. LOL! Not knowing how to read doesn’t stop him from telling his own story about the sign. How cute is he? But that's not even by far the funniest part of the video. At the very end, this little boy steps in dog poop. LOL! How ironic is that?

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