Baby Girl Laughs At A Dog Catching Popcorn

6 years ago

There is nothing more adorable than a baby that laughs! It’s the sweetest music to the ears, and this video is all about it! It’s such a great mood lifter, you absolutely have to check it out. But what makes it really hilarious is the reason why a baby in this video laughs about. This adorable baby girl is sitting in her baby walker in the middle of a living room. Her family is also there with her, along with their best four-legged friend, a beautiful German Shepard dog. Her dad is throwing popcorn to their pup, and each time he catches it, this lovely baby girl starts to laugh! OMG, how adorable that is! I bet they could keep doing this all day long! And I totally understand them! They are really having a blessed time together and the only thing I can say, I’m sorry I couldn’t really be there with them too!

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