His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - June 26, 2024 - Captions

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In this conversation with Dave Scarlett, Julie Green discusses the challenges and persecution she has faced in her role as a prophet and messenger of God's word. She shares how she has been targeted and attacked, but also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and prayer for those who have wronged her. Despite the difficulties, she remains steadfast in her faith and continues to trust in God's guidance and protection. She also highlights the spiritual warfare and the need for prayer and reliance on God, especially during times of intense attacks. They also discuss the importance of forgiveness and unification in the body of Christ, as well as the current divide in the country. They emphasize the need to trust in God and let go of control, especially in the face of spiritual battles and betrayals. Julie also shares a prophetic word for President Trump, highlighting the need to trust in God's guidance and the assurance that God will bring down the plans of the enemy. They encourage listeners to seek God's strength and to stand firm in faith, knowing that victory is coming.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 06-26-2024, and may be watched here: 👉 https://rumble.com/v53wrzt


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✝️ We will be called the servants of the Most High God. We are here to serve Him in ministry.
✝️ In everything we do, we glorify our Lord. It is our love for Him that compels us.
✝️ Fivefold ministry according to Eph. 4:11 - the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

Julie Green joins His Glory: Take FiVe


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It is now time for Wednesdays with Julie Green. Julie, good to see you. Good to see you. I almost wasn't on. What happened? Uh well, I was going on a prayer retreat. We're actually on a prayer retreat. We're in the the vicinity. We're not too far away about 2-five miles or so. So, I ca me back because the lord after I had cancelled because I'm like, okay, if I'm on a prayer retreat then I'll just automatically it's like kind of like a cancellation thing. It's like I already know I automatically Cancel. And so we had made it. The L ord said go get in a prayer ret reat so we did. It was a last minute decision. And then all of a sudden it was like I was telling my sister Natasha I was like I can't cancel the show. You gotta call him back. I gotta get back on there. God has something to say. I was in prayer this morning and yeah he's got something to say. And I will just to make an announcement. Everyone's saying that they can't see us. Yes. They're they have to go to His Glory. ME and His Glory our app. It's not running on right now. We've had upload issues with Rumble. After this is live streamed, we will upload it to Rumble so people will be able to see it but right now, it's just being played on the app and His Glory. Emmy. Alright. I'm telling them right now because everybody's like what's going on? What's going on? They can't see us. Well we've we've had we've had problems with Rumble the last three times on Wednesdays that we've done Wednesdays with Julie Green uploading issues and we're trying to get to the bottom of it. So we decided just to put it on His Glory app and His Glory. I think it's on Facebook as well. But those three platforms but it will be loaded back up to Rumble as soon as we are done. So just just what I'm on huh? Yeah well it's still this is a lot that's what's cool about this is because it's live. This is truly the only that in the war this in the war report are the only true live. So there's no rehearsing. There's no editing when you come on and you you talk about a a prophetic word and we we in our change what we're talking about with Jesus. There's there's no editing. It's live. It's live. I love live. Everybody knows. I mean I stumble over words sometimes or I mispronounce the word. I'm like hey I'm live. I'm unedited and you guys know who I am. So I just kind of let it be. But reason like when we were on our prayer retreat and I told them I had to be on the show again I usually don't do that but the Lord had given me a word again this is like the third word I've received for President Trump in the last week week and a half it's time sensitive now I know the other one got to at least someone I know that 100% positive because I actually talked to someone this one just got this morning so I had not given it to anyone or whatever so I just pray that they're able to get it in time but it's regarding what's happening next with their next steps they have to make and what's going on like that pause or that brick wall that I saw last week when we were both talking and this is part of it is going on with the debate that's happening tomorrow and how they're going to try to fish hook him into something when Biden was easily going to fall by his own sword. Wow. So yeah I've gotta go so I'm going to I'm going to read this one too again. This is fresh this is fresh. No one besides my prayer team has heard it because this morning before I drove here. We actually started praying. I said you guys can help me pray get this word out and because we need to all be in the body of Christ in agreement about praying and how to pray regarding President Trump regarding his next steps regarding this debate because things are about to shake and God said this is going to shake us and it shake violently. So when it's shaking violently there's more people that will it will cause confusion. It will cause disruption. It will cause like fear or panic and so some people but if you know what God is doing, if you know that God's in control, then there's peace. So, this is a prophetic word I heard very very in the early hours. You guys know I get up super early. Uh very early hours in the morning and it says, my David, I'm speaking to you again. The next moves to take over our mind to give. It may look like one way is the obvious way but is it? Man's way is not mine. And it has limits to it. You have accomplished much on your own. But remember and know that I am an unlimited God. With me you will see the fall of your enemies. You are wondering when it is time to pull the trigger. To make those steps to take them down. What is the right thing? When is the right time? Things seem to go as thought they were supposed to go. But then it stopped. I had to stop it so you would turn to me instead. You have questions and things that don't seem right. They're not going as you thought. That's because now you need me and my instructions. To fully take out the ones against you in this country. You look around for intelligent people. Intelligent answers. And solutions. Greater But the one you really need by your side is me. Again I say this is not the time to do things as you have in the past. This is a time for a new way. A new thing and again is me. I had to allow certain things to happen in this nation for it to see it needed me. And for you to see this is bigger than you. My David, I am the driving power to your stone. To take out your It will be a direct hit with noone left standing. See how I was with my David and my word against Goliath. He couldn't have accomplished that victory without me. Don't you see? I am what you have been searching for. I am your answer. I am the one that will not fail. I am the one that will not betray you. I am the one that you can trust. Let go of the control and let me flow. Let me work because vengeance is mine. You will see my vengeance at work, my son. I have people here for you. I have assigned them to you in this time. Let them in. For this unprecedented and unconventional take down and overthrowing of an establishment. That is embedded itself so deep in this nation. I will guide you and show you things only I know. I know your enemies plans and their next moves. You've been one step ahead of them or more. But just think how much ahead of them you would be with me. I am the one that set you free from what you see. So trust in me and the ones I send to you. This is a time to let me in. I will show you a power you have never known or experienced before. In a power your enemies can't fight against. Let your guard down. And you'll be glad you did. Say it the Lord of hosts. Wow. That's powerful. Mhm. What time did you get that real early this morning? About five. Wow. This morning. Yeah. And it was very and I told the team yesterday as we were praying. I could feel the intensity of something starting to brew. And I don't I don't get prophetic words specifically for him or his family to get to him or his team to get to him. I don't have words that all the time. It's you know mainly for the the you know the public. That these are specifically instructed for him. And whether they get to him or not I don't know. I just know that I have to do my job in order to give him these words because I know it's like I don't want him to think that this is somebody like who is she trying to tell me what to do. I'm not. It's God. He's the one who's instructing. He's the one who knows exactly the whole entire picture of the entire thing that's going on. We can only see through a pinhole of the natural and God is saying this is a spiritual battle and now it's time to fight it in a spiritual way. Yep. And he wants them to know that way. That's why he said I'm going to give you the a power that you have never known before that your enemies can't fight against. Wow. So this morning you know God is is the is the rabbi say a coincidence is not a kosher word. Um I I was given information that it was tied exactly to what your prophetic word was that I I don't know when this was but probably I would say ballpark last six months somebody prophetically I don't know who it was gave President Trump a similar message and I was told that President Trump it said that there's people around him that he needs to part ways with and there's people that he is not allowed in that are that are of God have to be allowed in for such this time and I was told Trump really dug in, listened, was intrigued, and wanted to know more. As I said that, the Holy Spirit came down. That is something that I know I had it. I'm sure somebody else probably had it too because a lot of the prophets are in agreement with each other right now but one of the things that he said is that you saw traitors in your midst and that he was going to reveal which ones they were and he was going to give him the right people to put in his path and it's not just the political people, it's not just the people that he's had. This is spiritual because he can't just have the natural It's like the one I read to you last week that I had given out during my live show because he was saying look you've you've had intelligent people and they're amazing and they've done right by you but they're limited. They can only go so far and God was saying, I'm going to take you the rest of the way but you just had to let these people in spiritually and the one I know that I did last week that I had. I mean, it was overwhelming. I could not contain it that I said, I have to do whatever I can do to get This message to at least one of them. I just had to get to at least one of them. And so I was praying like God make it happen. I know that this was specifically designed for them. I know the power behind it. I actually took had the team take the recording from our prayer call and you know cut it out and then I sent it to them to at least again one of them because they actually responded to me. I know one of them heard it. Um and they agreed. It was something that was very powerful and they thanked me for it. So I am glad that it got to a certain part and I that it got the rest of the way because again it's not what I'm trying to tell them it's not it's just like this burning assignment in my heart like I have to give him these words because something is going to happen that they have to have God's guidance. They have to have his assignment because it will look one way and he maybe have somebody trusted adviser next to him but that person's going to set him up into a trap. And if he doesn't do it the way God wants him to do it because it may some it may be an idea It may be a path that he doesn't see yet because it's a spiritual thing. It's what God needs for him to see. It's what God needs for him to hear in the direction that God has for him. And it's only God can give it to him. And I know like we talked about last week Barry Wants also had a really powerful word for him because I know I've had several about traitors in his myths. I know he's had one because you talked to me about it that actually that word got to President Trump. Yep. Uh so praise God because I didn't know what he was Uh I just know what God is saying and this is like an urgent. Uh I was telling one of my team members over the weekend and actually I'm not going to say everything but I called them actually just in tears, overwhelmed with the burden that I knew that they had to know what God is saying and I had to have her pray with me that it's not just the words that I've heard, it's words that other prophets have heard, it's words that he has to know. His family has to know because this is that pivotal moment where they need to choose the path of almighty God and then that's when you're going to start to see the enemies fall quicker. Wow and you and I have not been able to talk since last Wednesday and I won't go into too much depth because I I'm assuming you know what I'm about to say. Um no. Somebody tried to sabotage certain people getting not getting to President Trump last week. All this period of time. It's just ironic that this somebody's tried to shut your access to President Trump down. And you know what? Uh when I was told that I said that's not going to work. God is going to boomerang. Uh truth is going to come out. And maybe a short term. But he's going to see the light and he's going to know what comes from God. Amazing. Mm hmm. You know, this is something that we've been praying against because I know that you know this, that I've had people come out against me in more ways than one when I've done nothing to any of them but be kind and be friends with people and and I also know that God is a God a good God and the things that I'm doing for them it is like something that he has put my heart and there's something I don't even if I never speak to him personally I doesn't matter to me all it matters is it gets the words that had to be heard and so that's why I had direct path to someone and I don't ever normally take that path and I had to take it and I reached out to that person I just said I I'm sorry to bother you but this has to be you have to hear this word and I'm not used to like this but I know this is what God has for you right now yeah and so within you know it wasn't that long a period of time that they they they got back to me and they thanked me for it. Was this the Thursday Friday time frame of last week? By chance? I I actually did it on Wednesday. Wow. It's just just like Satan to try to stop what the truth trying to get to get to him. Amazing. Um you know you're going to get an you're going to get a front row seat with President Trump. He needs to have true people that are by God that have only his best interest at mind and are willing to tell him the truth not for not for political gain not for prestige not for money but because the love of Christ to get this country back in his name to have the greatest revival in the history of the world God will honor that you know it's I'm not I'm not surprised that people are sabotaging it because I can see that the power that was behind it and you know the power of the enemy and Well, what happened with the sabotage, it became so blatantly obvious. It was almost they were pushed to a position where they tried so hard to block it that they exposed themselves and couple people that were kind of on the fence were like, I can't believe this happened. So truth always gets out. And I know I think I know who you're talking about and I was speechless after the phone call. I just nothing shocks me anymore but even that kind of shocked me that they would be so brazen to try to stop that over prayer and God. I just amazing. Absolutely amazing. Because Some people's hearts aren't right. And but we pray for those people no matter you know in it. It's hard to hear. You know, because people don't know the hell you go through to get words sometimes and to pass them off and the attacks you have in the midst of all that because the enemy, you know, doesn't want it to happen and I, you know, I'm that person that I I don't show that. I don't talk about it but that word after I gave that to them, I went through a lot after that particular moment in time in a lot of different directions and that's why I think that I had to kind of call my team and I was like I need help like right now I need prayer because this is I know I'm under attack right this right this second and that's what the enemy tries to do and it's like even though you can get discouraged and even though you can get really upset and even though you can get really overwhelmed it was just like the lord was there saying hey I got it it's in my hands it doesn't matter what happens it's in my hands you're doing What I asked you to do and I said Lord it's the it's your work. It's your it's what you want. It's what you have for them. And I had vision. I had exactly what had it take place and I saw it and so we prayed into it. And my entire team was praying into it and they still do. And I no matter what that person was trying to do. I still love them. Yeah. And I will still pray for them. And we actually were just praying about it. Um we were just praying about it. That's all that's that's all you can do and that's the best you can do because we don't wish harm on anyone. God is a God of love and and sometimes everybody gets ahead of their ski sometimes and but this was vicious and I pray that this is a learning lesson and we we the body of Christ unifies because we're we're we're in God's team. Christ is ahead. We are one body and enough of this me me me fame blocking and it's just ridiculous. Enough of it. You know, it's about God. That's what I I struggle with because this is a time right now that we had to be focused on him. It can't be about self promotion. It can't be about look at me and I'm more important. This literally this is like life and death of a country. Exactly. This is life and death of a family who's trying to save a country. And that's why when people do that I'm just I I don't even know what to say. Like you just don't you don't know what to say because it's not about self. It's really truly about the word of God and people think they know who I am and they don't. You know, a lot of people that I know that know you and me and they know truly in this group and I pray this group knows who I am. Yup. Uh some people do and some people have a version that they believe. Well, the beautiful thing about love in the lord and truth. Truth ultimately always comes out. You can't hide it. It's just it comes out. It may take a little bit of time but this I think we're talking about it last Wednesday a little bit too and sure enough what an hour or two after we were done I got a call and then I got another call the next day about what this person was was doing and I was just like I had to take a couple seconds just to get my bearings like why would somebody do that? Oh. Because people are being led by the wrong thing. And they caught wind. They must have caught wind of it when you know we said so thing and they immediately did something about it to sabotage it. But again that's the enemy and I've I know that I've seen things in comment sections and heard things in comment sections that people say. Um this person has I don't know if this person said about it or somebody inside this person's inner circle and this was literally on a comment section of what this person thinks of who I am. It was it was I don't even know what to say about it. I was astounded and I was just like I don't even know how this happened and how this came to be. Um but you just you just keep on going. You pray for that person and you just keep going and you just ask God to forgive them and you ask God to do every person that you're supposed to be like even with the trumps. I Only reason I I was told to be backstage at times. It wasn't because I wanted to be. Like it was you know I was told to be there so I was. Um because this person knows who I am. I'm not going to be backstage because everybody else is trying to get somebody's attention. You know I was I'd stay in the corner away from everybody while everybody else is hoarding around some person. Um because it's not about that person. It's not about me. It's about God. That is a whole entire thing. I think when the enemy tries to overplay their hand and tries to use people, that's when they show themselves. Yep. And I know that we have been overwhelmingly praying for this person and for this entire thing because I know that God has to have certain people and I know there's certain people that that were designed to stop it. I know it. Yep. Because I know exactly who they are because the Lord reveal it to me. Yep. Uh. And to our I've been to every single Reawakened. Uh we kicked it off. Uh we've we've had a green room as you know it. Everyone of them starting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So, I've seen everything that's gone on behind the scenes at every one of em and I can assure at everybody that's watching this knows this but they know me that I I don't I don't gravitate to the fame. Um if I'm called out, I'll I'll talk to em. If not, no big deal. They're they're human beings. They put their pants on just the way we do put our pants on. I I direct only to God but I can tell what you just said, I can confirm. You have never ever, you're very humble. You you pray over people and it's again truth is going to come out. The truth of of of this is going to come out and only thing we can do is pray for them. Mm hmm. And again, I know what the adversary is trying to do is stop these words. These words are these words are his words and they're important and well, we just know I I guess I know why I'm in a prayer retreat now. Yeah. Well, your prayer was it was was was very similar to the one I I said I I heard this morning. I don't know who it was but they sent me that and it was almost identical. They said that there were certain people they told President Trump just to his face and I'm told he was engaged and he said there don't don't be upset. There were certain people that were put in your path for a reason. Uh you didn't fail them. They failed you and but there are people that you need to have around you permanently for your uplifting. And I was told he was very I don't know what the word is. Not more than intrigued. He he leaned in and he wanted to know more. So he's getting it. He's he's listening. And if he gets this which I believe he will get this we know somebody that can get him this message. You and I. I would appreciate that. Yeah. I I appreciate that because I don't again this is something for him. This has nothing to do with me. Yeah. Has everything to do with him. And has everything to do with God's love for him. And God's direction and guidance for him. And I think you know you know President Trump is his David. But David also knew the power of God. And when he said in this word I will show you power you've never known but he also says up here further he said I am the driving power to your stone. To take out your enemies. It will be a direct hit. With noone left standing. It's important for President Trump to not only know that he is God's David but it's important to know how David got to be where he was. David made mistakes. And David was a very very strong and knowledgeable person. But he also that he could not do these things without almighty God and almighty is God's power. You know, he fought a lion. He fought a bear. He fought Goliath. He couldn't do that without God and he also fought King Saul. He fought many different armies and again, he knew he couldn't fight without God and if he didn't know that, he kind of got very full of himself then he'd be humbled in the fact realizing it's not your power, it's not your ability, it's not your strength, it's mine and so this is something that he keeps referring To him is David. And it's over and it's so powerful to me that it's not just a name. It's a revelation of God. It's a revelation of how powerful that God used David to save a nation. And he used them to with that stone to take down their biggest enemy. Yep. And that's the key. It's not just any a word. It's God's word. It's not just any direction. It's God's direction. It's not any guidance. It's God's guidance. It's what God truly wants for somebody and it's not I don't I know people. I mean it's like Barry Launch. We know people. Their lives have been in danger. Yep. You know it's something that like I said earlier people don't know the hell it is to deliver a word. People don't see behind the scenes. You know, I mean, they see me smile a lot but they don't know what's behind it and that is and I have to learn to encourage myself in the lord all the time. Yeah. Because you can get knocked down and being in this position, there's a lot of persecution and there's a lot of sabotage. There certainly is and and where does that come from? It comes from within. That's what our Shabbat Shalom message is going to be this this weekend is the the message of the the mustard seed growing up to be the church and how Satan put evil inside the church and that's what we're seeing in Christianity today. The so-called Christianity, the vision and attacks in the body of Christ that call themselves Christians is mind blowing. Mm hmm. But this is where God setting he's separating the weed from the chaff and this is what we're going to know who's his heart is really toward him and whose heart is not toward him. Yup. Um because it's going to be really obvious who's seeking the attention, who's seeking power, who's seeking fame And who's not. And that's the reason why I mean you don't I don't take pleasure in saying any of that. I mean because I just been giving really hard words that I had to give out the last couple days and I was bawling through them. I just I cried a lot anymore. It seems like it's the compassion of the Lord because there's a time where things are going to violently shake and there's things that there's people on his side that are going to be abruptly shaken and they will not like that side of that they're on right now. They don't change what they're doing because God said, touch not my anointed and even if you're anointed by God, you can have that anointing taken away. Yeah. Just like King Saul did. Yup. Was last week one of the toughest weeks you've ever had? Uh for me personally, was one of the worst weeks, toughest weeks I've had in probably a year or 2 years. It was just bam, bam, bam, bam, one after another and intense. Physical, spiritual, persecution, now apparently sabotaging Yup. Um it was one of the hardest weeks of my life and I and I did again I had to tell my team I they they know I have an amazing team. They're actually right now downstairs in my basement waiting for me to come down after this is over to to start worrying and I know exactly what we're going to worry about but they they are and I try to say this without you know crying again because I feel like I'm a crybaby anymore but God brought each and every one of them at those individuals in my life. Yeah. Because God knew that I needed it. Yeah. God knew what I was going to go through and I couldn't do it all by myself and I have amazing husband, amazing children, and I have one of the most amazing teams Praise God. Yep. He knew. He knew what you needed. He knew that that that we were going to go through a very difficult time through the valley of the shadow of death and we fear no evil that our his rod and staff is what comforts us and victories coming. I felt like there was I don't know about you but I felt like there was a huge spiritual and physical breakthrough me personally through the weekend. That something changed. Yeah. So even though I went through one of the hardest things and it was I mean it was hard like Sunday I had one of the worst days too and I was struggling a lot of different ways, physically, spiritually, everything because I there's so much stuff that came at me at once and I just said, okay, I'm going to take a break. I went to a pool. My friend was out of town. I went to our pool by myself and I just was meeting God in the water because that's like my happy place. Just meet God outside the heat and happy place and it was just something that I think where everything that tries and the enemy knows all of our weaknesses. Yup. Cuz he does. He knows all of our weaknesses by the same time where our weaknesses and he's pushing it. God is also perfecting it so it's not a weakness anymore. It's actually become a strength. So, I think that even in our darkest times, even in those times where it's really frustrating, it's really overwhelming. God was saying, look, I've got you. It's not your strength. It's not at your ability. It's not what you think you should do. It's not in your control. Give it to me and put it in my hands and I will take care of it and I'm telling you, I have noticed the shift of power, the anointing, the prophetic words, and it's like I went through that valley but at the same time, it's like you're going up and up and up and it's like I don't I don't care what happens. I just know that God's got it. And I know it says in God's word no weapon formed against you shall prosper. So like you've experienced it and I know a lot of my team has experienced. My family's experienced it. A lot of Christians are experienced this right now. Especially after our hose and ghost and fire event. I'll get it right. Everybody was experiencing attacks because the glory of God. I will tell you again it was so powerful. I can't get over it. And God Wants us to do more of those and I'm just like okay God when and where? I will go anywhere you want me to go when you want me to go there. I don't care where it's at. Put me there. And I have a feeling I know exactly the next location but it's something that I know God will put together. But there we we reach another level of power and another level of glory and it was so amazing to be a part of that. And that's why I can't wait to share it with people and God has been doing healing in my body. I just it's just been so awesome. I I don't know what to describe it. Even though you've had really bad times. Really the time I will say this word really sucked but the same time he's doing so many amazing things and that's what us as a team and my husband and my family tell me we said if we just focus on what is right and what is good and the power of God and what God is doing and not focusing on everything the enemy is doing. I I'm glad it knows certain things the enemy is doing because then now I wore about it. I just go and pray about it and then give it to God. Well, I I contemplated whether to talk to you and I or I heard it from two people. I I thought I prayed about it and I said the I thought and I was I I gave it to the Lord and I just said the best thing I can do is is pray for. Um because of that I I didn't want to give you any other sense of worry. Uh I was impacted by it as well but to me I'm an old marine. It doesn't matter to me. Um I it's it's about the glory of God so you know prayer wins. Yeah it does. And that's the thing is we're celebrating and people who hate like just like one of my friend's daughters told me. Haters are going to hate. You know and that's what Gonna do but God loves and that's the difference of showing the love of almighty God and you can tell the fruits of a person by how they act. Yeah. You can tell the fruits of a person by how they treat others and so you you know again people are going to expose themselves. That's it and that's it's sad but it's true and but there's a I mean there's so much going on right now in the news. I know there is something I want to get ahead of you too because and anytime you want to get me and anything like this happens, let me know because there's something I appreciate you praying for me and I just want to thank you for that because people don't realize how much prayer needs sometimes. You know, and we were actually praying for you guys last week too. I don't we were. We you guys were on our heart and we were praying for you as well. At the same time, barely you probably were praying for us. So, neither one of us knew it but we were praying for each other. No, I I I that bottom line is three key things I I take away from this. Uh biblically. First of all, anytime we're in an attack intense like last week was most intense probably at least a year maybe in the top three ever I've gone through in one week so that means there's there's breakthrough coming because Satan has thrown everything he had last week the other two things I always remind our team and the His Glare Nation is Satan loves to attack viciously in two times of our life one when we're really really down he's trying to get us to completely give up completely the other time is What I think you experience is when you're on a complete high from God. When you see the Holy Spirit going and you just have that spiritual high. That's when Satan's going to come in when you're least expecting him trying to knock you down. So that's why we look in the scriptures. Anytime that Jesus had a spiritual high he went to the mountain to pray to the father. Anytime he had a spiritual low he went to the mountain prayed prayed to the father. That's what we need to do. Spiritual high, spiritual lows especially get into prayer. Yes and this is it for any and people think you know being behind a camera and you know being out there where people you're around people that are important around people that are famous everybody thinks this is like what everybody wants you don't want that unless God's called you to do it because there are things that people go through that people have no idea because not all of us are going to talk about it but we go through it because there is this one I heard from somebody there's always before promotion. Yep. So you just know that okay if I'm being persecuted this much there must be a really big promotion going down the pike somewhere. Because you're just like okay because I even know I I even says to God I will admit this. I mean last week was hard and one of the things I said God I am not made for this. I just not. And he said that's the farthest thing from the truth. Yes you are. And I said well I'll take your word for it. You know he knows like I just joke around but then again I'm still and I joke around with him. But I'm still also Because I'm like he knows that I was like I was down. I was like I need an encourager. I need a cheerleader right now. And he did. It's like he talks to you in the midst of that storm. I I say to so many different people. I've been in so many storms I can't I can't even count how many storms I've been in. But every single storm is like I just hear him that whisper and I hear him say the exact words that I have to hear and I ball and I'm like sometimes I'm like okay God I'm ready to forgive that person. Just give me like 20 minutes. Just give me 20 minute time out. Give me a 20 minute time out before I gotta pray. Let me let me have my pity party for a minute. And then let me get back up again. And then that's how I do it. You know I used to be a person that cannot handle any persecution or anything and then he is just you know I mean does it hurt that I found out something to sabotage me? Yeah. That sucks. But at the same time like okay well now I know how to pray and do with it. And God always does that. And everything that is hidden will be revealed and made known. And so and then we know certain things like going are going on then we know exactly how to war and pray about it. And I think this is just so amazing that to God I know even when it's the darkest it's always the darkest for the dawning. Yep. And this is how it's with this country right now. It is maybe how it looks out with the President Trump and his team and his family right now. But it is truly an amazing thing to be used by God no matter how hard it is. He's even had me at times and and remind People. Like look at what happened with in the chosen. Look at the persecution that Jesus got. He was not liked by many people. And you would think if they're not liked by many people then they not may have must not be a good person. He wasn't liked by people because he threatened people. Right. Because he was getting that that he was getting the word of God and Satan was using other people of religious leaders against him. And he's that he used that so many times to remind all of us in the body of Christ that we will persecuted if we are standing and fighting and there's something that I've also realized that there's people that have persecuted many people I noticed they're not they're not really persecuted at all and you have to wonder why I mean seriously and that and as it go that goes for several people that I've noticed. Yep. I was just bringing that to attention to somebody. I said you you gotta wonder why aren't certain peoples persecuted if they're on the side of God? Yeah. You know that means you're not a threat to Satan or being used by Satan. Um the truth always comes out. Uh one of the people that called me on Thursday said how come you you've handled this so well. I said well it's because I give it to God. Uh I'm I'm not looking to to revenge. It I pray for this person. And I Pray God that they repent and seek the Lord's face because light always wins. Alright, we'll be right back after this. Home prices have started falling across the country. The longest stretch of declines in more than eight years. The individual who crossed into our country illegally at the border last week can live rent free. I had a Dear His Glory family follower call me at Creed's Basketball game like that last minute. What do I do? Where I put my money? Look at the market the the the market. You look at this the the crash. We know what the World Economic Forum is trying to do. All the big banks were at the World Economic Forum. I know the worst is about to come. One way to alleviate that is with what we do the annuities. Whether it be an IRA, a 403 B, a 401K, a pension plan, a profit sharing plan, you can roll that over into an annuity. There's no penalty for it. Yeah. Safe Harbor guarantees growth and safety. The best way to do it is if you go to His Glory. ME and go to Family Partners, my website is there. You'll see it. It's it's estate planning. Click it and it'll allow you to fill out a little form. I just need your name, your email address, your telephone number, and I will be in contact with you within twenty-four hours. At His Glory, we're going to reach a billion souls and every one of the seven mountains of his kingdom. We're at war and to win a war, we need the people in the trenches and the trenches are the kingdom builders. So, why do you partner with His Glory so that you can be a part of this billion soul harvest. It takes each and every one of us to do our part to reach his kingdom, all for his purpose and all for his glory. A loving God created everything including the most abundant building block in the universe, hydrogen. Molecular hydrogen has been shown in over 1, 700 scientific studies to have tremendous health benefits including improving digestion, reducing oxidative stress, reducing inflammation, and improving brain function. Did you know that many feel that hydrogen has a spiritual component as well? Some are even calling it the God particle. When our bodies are functioning at their best, our minds are clear and our spirits are lifted and that's exactly molecular hydrogen can do for us. By improving our physical health, it also has the power to enhance our spiritual well being. You're invited to care for your body and your spirit by incorporating molecular hydrogen into your daily routine. Go to holy hydrogen. com and use promo code is Glory at checkout to save $100 on your purchase of your Lord's Hydrofix today. Let the benefits of hydrogen work for you. May God bless you and your health journey. Remember, His Glory for $100 off. We are here to defend democracy for the people. You. What we have to do. And we're back. The battles that you know people think it everything is just always wonderful. Um but when you're a threat to Satan he's coming after you. Uh I love how you put it. It's not this prosperity gospel that you know you believe in Christ and you get mansions and everything's no if you're a threat to Satan he comes after you and he doesn't play. He punches hard. I don't know how many times I've almost died. I I I can't even tell you that. I can't even tell you how many times I've you know just on my own by my own hand or by other things. So it's something that I think every single time we go through this darkness and I and I tell you this all the time is with encouragement. Whatever Satan is trying to destroy you with. If you trusting and rely on God he will turn it around. Yep. He will make you stronger. He will make you perfected. He will perfect you in that time of of struggle. And during that time of persecution. And again this is where he's separating the wheat from the chap. This is where he's showing who's real and who's not. Right. This is where he's showing who's been compromised. This is where he's showing that people's hearts were not in the right direction. But I and I and he's telling people I want everybody to start praying for these people in the body of Christ especially. You have to start praying because there are people even though they may not you know they're not doing the right thing. God still this is what happened to me the other day when I was persecuted. God said this this person I don't think at this particular point was not a Christian. And you said this person is my creation and I want you to pray for them. Will you do that for me? And I said do you not see what they just did to me all over social media? And he said yes. And I'm asking you to pray. And I said well I don't want to right now. It's honest. I was honest I was. I was honest. You know? But I did. And it was so freeing. It's so freeing when you do that. If you think like by feelings it's easier to hold on and I'm talking to somebody right now is out in the audience that needs to hear about forgiveness. Exactly. It's hard to forgive. When you know you haven't done anything wrong. Now If I does something wrong, I'll be the first one be right there to to ask for forgiveness. Because I don't want to be that person. I have been betrayed. I have been let down. I've been sabotaged and lied about and persecuted and all these other things. I don't want to do that to someone else. And I don't because honestly I want my heart to be clean with God. That's right. You do want your heart to be clean with God. And I'll tell you I've heard from somebody who said when you have unforgiveness in your heart it's like drinking poison and expect it to to affect that other person. It's not going to affected other person, it's only going to affect you and so when we deal with it in our own heart and we let go of it, then then God can take care of it. Yup. And I think it's the same thing what's going on in our country right now. There's been a great divide between Democrat and Republican. It is not a political thing. There's been a great divide with the body of Christ and certain denominations and other people and prophets because some people don't believe in the prophets or this person and this leader and this leader misleader because I have this doctrine, that doctrine and God saying, there's no more time for this. There's no more time for playing games. I just feel an urgency in my heart's why. We we plan usually ahead farther for a prayer retreat and God says no. Do it immediately and so that's why we did it in a surrounding vicinity like I said like a 2025 mile radius and we were closer all closer to home and God is saying, You have to do this and it has to be done right now. Because there's too many things that are critical in the body of Christ right now. There's too many things that are critical in our nation. There's too many things that are critical going all around the world. They're saying it's critical that we have to pray for President Trump and his family and I even told my prayer team before I got on here and they can attest to this and I'm not lying. I said I had to pray for President Trump with Pastor Dave and with all these other people that are watching online because specific Unification in the body of Christ. We're in the army of the Lord. We are walking that with that front line and we need to stand together and pray and pray specifically the words that God has to say this very day and this very hour. So before the show ends I really feel in my heart overwhelmingly that I need to do that. Yes let's do that. Okay? You want to do it right now? Sure. Let's do it now. We always wait till the end but you know what? It needs it needs to be done when the spirit of the Lord has it to be done. Yeah. So Heavenly Father right now we just lift up the entire Trump family. We lift up the entire country to you. Father God we know there's persecution and we know they're sabotaging and we know Father God the enemy has got plans all over the place trying to take down our rightful president. Trying to stop our Freedoms. Try to stop the unification and abide of Christ. To stop the glory that you want to pour out. To try to stop even President Trump from hearing your words or family from hearing your specific word and your specific guidance. To know that they're at that crossroads. That you have to be led by him. That you Father God have to lead him and guide him. You have to lead and guide his family. Because this is a spiritual attack but you know all the things that the enemy is trying to do against him and this nation and father God we thank you that he is humbling himself that he hears father God your directions and your instructions that's not a sign of weakness it's a sign of strength it's a sign of strength that you trust that he trust fully in you that you will see it through and you will see him through you will see his family through and we plead the blood of Jesus over his family. We plead the blood of Jesus father God over him and his next steps that I know they're so significant to the specific time frame that we are in. We pray over this debate father God. That we know that the enemy is already going to be destroying himself by his own sword. That President Trump has your glory, that he has your peace, that he has your strength, that he will stand there with that just knowing on the inside that he's there alone. That he has you leading and guiding him and saying exactly what you need him to say. Because the enemy is going to expose himself and the enemy is going to destroy himself right then and there. And we thank you Father God for this power that you are giving to them in this hour. To get them not through it. But get them over and above all their enemies all the tests and trials that they're going through right now and we thank you for that peace. We thank you father God for the strength and the joy that you're giving to each and everyone of them and we're thank you that you are bringing our nation back to you. You're bringing the churches back to you. You are bringing pastors together. You are bringing leaders together. You are bringing political leaders with your people father God in ministry and we thank you. It is the time to be unified and strengthen with you. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Victory is coming. Promotion. It is coming. I can feel it so strong. I can too. I can too. I felt overwhelmingly on my walk in the Bible this morning and it was just especially after coming off last week last week. I didn't know if I was going to get back up honestly. It was that bad. But He's got it. Me too. The the key is get back up. His strength. We just gotta get back up. We don't have to we don't have to be the most magnificent boxer in the world. We just gotta get up. Get up and let him. Micah chapter seven verse eight. It's one of my favorite scriptures. When I'm down and I'm frustrated with persecution or you know whatever it is the physical spiritual attack. It's that Micah chapter seven verse eight. Arise or rejoice on against me oh my enemy. For when I fall I shall arise. And the Lord will be the light in the darkness unto me. So when we are going through that darkness he will be that that we need. Yeah. When we fall down, he's one that that picks us back up and so, just like you see that beautiful example of Peter in walking on the water when he fell. You know, Jesus wasn't there just like, okay, come on Peter, knock it off. He was right there to pick him up and God is right there to pick us up every single time we fell down and what a good father that he is that he is willing to be there and he's just like, okay, come on. It's not that bad. You know, it's like making a mountain out of a molehill and he's saying, I'm bigger than any mountain and I'm bigger than any molehill. So, you just give it to me and I will see you through it. I will take care of it, you know, and So I think every single thing it's that God is taking everything that the enemy was trying to use, destroy us with right now, that usually would make us fall down so he wouldn't get back up again. He is literally using that right now to strengthen us. Yeah. And God is saying Satan used to get you in these certain places. And now he's not going to get you anymore. And so that's the things that I'm saying right now that God is doing in our life. And again last week after I got off with you and after I gave that word it was like like rapid fire. I could not believe it. I'm like, are you kidding me? And it lasted all the way through Sunday, Sunday night and then, you know, God just got me and every single time I reached out to Tim and I asked him for help. He gave me that strength to say, you know, I'm like, what do you want me to do with this? You know, I'm not strong enough to do with this but I know it's your strength in me that will see me through it and he does every time and so that's why I want to encourage people. You don't want to feel sorry for, you know, us just you because this is a battle and you know what? There are times where it's hard and so what? You know that you're going to win in the end. Yep. It's war. It it is truly a war. You know there's shots are going to be fired. They're coming at you and the key is just to get up and and and trust him and let him guide and the more you go through it though it's not fun but the more you go through the trials and tribulations and you let him you know he's responded every time and when it gets intense like it has been this last week you know something huge is about ready to break in his favor that's why get back up and you're like not today Satan not today something big is going to happen That's right. It it's something big is going to happen. I can feel it. Yep. But that's why I think that they you know President Trump and his family they they also have to know that it's not their strength. God's not asking them. He's anointed them and appointed them for this time and to do his will but he's not asked them to do it by themselves. He's asked them to do it with him. And that's the key thing. And and like he said in that prophetic word that he gave me early this morning. You've had all these awesome people around you but the one person he needs more than anyone else is God that's it he only needs God and God's direction because God is going to give him up and over what he's seeing right now and it's going to go a lot quicker you know like speedily God speedily remove this from me you know speedily get me out of this and God will especially when we are doing the will of God and we're doing things and letting him go it's like letting go of that control and giving it to him that I've seen most of the breakthroughs in my own life yes but we all have to go through that to let go of that control of you know what think that we can help God with and want God saying I don't need your help. No. Yeah. Tell me that so many times. Yeah. It's awesome. I'm just like okay God I I promise. I I I won't give you my help then. I can tell you that President Trump's going to get this message. He's going to respond. He's going to put God first. There's going to be a major breakthrough and we're going to see the greatest revival in the history of the world because he stood up for such a time as this to be his chosen David. It's going to happen. This is that we are going to see him that anointed. An even greater anointing. I've I've seen it. I've seen it in a vision. I it. I I can't explain it and I don't want to go you know into it you know on camera but it was the one most things it would blessed me to be able to see what I got to see and with President Trump and with his family and with that power and accepting the words of God and accepting what he was saying and doing for them and it took them to a whole different level and it was it was awesome. It was so fun because it was just like the load was off of them and it was so freeing For them because they were seeing something that they have never seen before like that. Right. And they were realizing that they're not alone. And they have something that's so far bigger that the enemies that they're facing. And God was just like it's like going to be that departing of the Red Sea. You know just like I'm going to take you through this and I'm going to destroy the enemy with that Red Sea at the exact same time. So it's it was pretty awesome. So there's two camps. There's a camp that wants to ride President Trump's coattails for their own fame and glory and then there's the that you and I are a part of that the reason we're we're we're not you know we're not for the president to be president because he's the president. We're we're doing this because we know the anointing of President Trump when this country's back. We're going to see the greatest revival in the history of the world. A billion soul harvest. That's why. Now to get so many people come on and say well your your idol's President Trump. No my idol's not President Trump. He's just being used as a vessel by God to bring in a billion souls. That's what we're called to do. Preach the gospel from east to west to north to south. To every and here we are. We're going to do it. We are going to do it and it is. It is it's about God. And this is not again people think that you know Newsweek especially. Oh the articles they write is so ridiculous. But anyway they call me that mega prophet apparently this name gave me a a name. Uh it's fine. But it's like they think it's a Democratic versus Republican thing. And just because that I love that I pray for President Trump and his family. It that's not it's not because of political party. It's because of God. This is all because of God and what God wants and what he and who he has chosen to do for such a time as this. It's not a political thing. This is a spiritual battle, good versus evil and again, it's between God is not picking a political side. He's picking up a side of life, the side of truth, the side of freedom, the side of liberty, the side of justice. That's the side he's picking. Yup. And other people are just on the other side. They're just picking their own side. You know, but it is what it is but it's like I don't care if you I laugh when I see those articles I truly do I think they're so stupid I'm like that's not what I said at all you took the words and twisted it but that's what the enemy does he always takes God's words twist some and then it looks like it's lying and it looks like it didn't come to pass and looks like this person is a liar and blah blah blah but that's exactly what Satan has always done and we said to know that's why I tell people every day you go have that firm focus foundation on God you go focus on God and not me because I'm human being you know human beings can mess up but God doesn't so get into the word of God and see what he's like Because he is the best study buddy in the world. He is the best companion you could ever have in the world to pick you up when you need that you're picking up an an encourager. He will give you that peace that you need. He will give you that joy that you need. He will give you that strength that you need. Anything you need. He will give it to you. It's just we have to go to get them. And we can't look to a person. Just like God is saying. You guys are looking not us because we're not. People are looking to an election and God's saying Don't do that. You look to me to save you. You don't look to an election to save you. Cuz a lot can happen before then. I was telling me oh this is another thing that he told me. I don't think I I read this out loud to you. Um this was also something he gave me about President Trump after after I heard this word. This is this is a longer word. This is only just a section of it. This is also what hurt. Even when the deck is stacked against President Trump for the debate. If he does what I the Lord wants him to do, it will bring down Biden. Because his party will have no choice but to let him go for the embarrassment and the failure that he has become. And the truth that President Trump listens to I the Lord what I have for him to do I will seek him or I will seek him through it and it will cause more damage to this enemies quicker. Because he is sitting hold on because he is letting I the Lord do it. His power that he needs now. So God saying and I have to do this right because when I dictate it I can go back and fix it. God is saying if he lets me do it. If he let me do this debate if he lets me speak through him he's going to watch that Biden is going to fall by his own sword so it's not what other people are telling him to do is typical for a debate God is saying this is a spiritual debate because he's not talking to what is to Biden he's talking to what is driving the Biden. Giving him that power and instructing him and what to say. It's a spiritual thing. And God is saying to him President Trump will my peace let him expose himself let Biden expose himself as he will so God is saying if you receive what I have for you you receive my peace then Biden will expose himself and he will see it you just stand on that stage knowing that you are my son and I am the one that will give you the words to say and how to say them to stay and see that landslide of destruction of the establishment that you will see before you this is this debate is more than just any debate. And this is why it was burning in my spirit this morning when I first got it. This debate is not normal. This debate is a spiritual battle between good versus evil. This is if he is used by almighty God. He is allowing God in to do this. Nothing will stop it. And nothing will stop him from going forward. And he will send the destruction of the Biden and that party even greater than he would have seen it before. It is going to be the landslide of the removal of the Biden because he is going to falter. He's going to fail and as as bad as going to fall because God has got his hand on President Trump he is going to see the enemy fall in such a way he never expected. That is why this debate is so vitally important to this country but also vitally important to this spiritual move. Did President Trump get that part from no I have just got this this morning? Okay. And I not even like fully edited it yet from dictating it really fast before I had to come down here out of my hotel. And so I have to dictate it back because sometimes when you're dictating it doesn't always get every single word so I had to you know I'm trying to figure out what God was saying right there and I pray into it and then he gives me the words that were missing in that sentence. So no he has not gotten this yet but I knew that he had to. I just didn't know how. Because again I'm not going to the line of communication that I have. I don't use and abuse that line of communication. So he knows that. I ask the Lord that the Lord will the Lord will make

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