Pathetic Partisan Hack Jon Karl Tries To Spin Kamala Harris' Record As Border Czar

1 month ago

Posted • August 12, 2024: Yesterday we showed you JD Vance absolutely eat Jon Karl's lunch in an interview. Karl was blatantly partisan -- everything from his argumentative nature to his facial expressions to his complete lake of basic journalistic research. He's a partisan hack, and deserves all the scorn. Watch him try to spin Kamala Harris' record as border czar: ABC's Jon Karl (2023): "The president put VP Kamala Harris in playing a critical role in terms of trying to stop the flow of migrants across the border." -- ABC's Jon Karl (2024): "You know she's not actually — she wasn't the Border Czar." -- FAKE NEWS! Pathetic. But not surprising. People like Karl are the prostitutes of the Media industry. They’ll give their clients whatever they want so long as they get paid. -- An apt metaphor. Dude is pathological. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Pathetic Partisan Hack Jon Karl Tries to Spin Kamala Harris' Record As Border Czar

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