Whistleblower Leaks Secret C19 Documents of Germany's Robert Koch Institute

2 months ago

On the morning of July 23, 2024, the freelance journalist Aya Velázquez published all the documents of the Covid-19 crisis team of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). A whistleblower who worked at the RKI sent her the documents and 10GB of accompanying material.

A press conference on this historic revelation followed at 10:00am. Also present at the conference were the financial scientist Professor Stefan Homburg and the freelance journalist and educator Bastian Barucker, who had received the documents from Ms. Velázquez in advance and worked through them.

As stated by Aya Velazquez here:

"The documents of the Robert-Koch-Institute Covid-19 crisis team clearly show that the allegedly "scientific" Corona measures were in fact politically instructed. This is a scandal of international proportions - since the documents also contain evidence, p.e. letters from the French government, that the Corona measures were internationally "harmonized" in order to make them seem "without alternative" and enhance the acceptance among citizens globally.

For Germany, the new RKI leak is a big step towards coming to terms with the abusive corona policy of the last years, the systematic violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties - so that such a crime may never be repeated."

All documents can be downloaded here: https://rki-transparenzbericht.de
All corona protocols of the federal government: https://corona-protokolle.net
Blog by Aya Velázquez: https://www.velazquez.press
YouTube channel by Stefan Homburg: / @sthomburg
Blog of Bastian Barucker: https://blog.bastian-barucker.de

VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HomAhO0RHQ

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