Shy (Season 2) Episode 6 - Nothing Is Permanent (English Subbed)

6 months ago

Shy (Season 2) Episode 6 - Nothing Is Permanent (English Subbed)

Nothing is permanent eh you say?

Well than,what a perfect way to discribe this week's episode of season 2 of SHY,because this episode was just Dumb and Retarded for many reasons.

Ok,so first half,what at first seems like a Life threatening situation mission which at first this episode leaves you to believe that this is gonna be a "Trainwreck Battle" (No pun intended) battle at the Train station to save many Human lives as Pepesha,Shy and Lady Black try to prevent this Trainwreck from falling off the rails to save human lives.

but this turned out to be a false "Fake Out" for one of Kufufu's dumbass comedy shananigans (God,do i hate this annoying character),which even Teru/Shy had a leginimate right to call her out on that one,which Teru took the words out of my mouth on this one "What was even the point of all of this???"

than second half,we get some tragic backstory around Ai which ever since the start of this season,she's constantly been having this chip on her shoulders on her Evil Dark half that she's been going on about,which turns out this this so called Dark half self of her's is actually her Younger Sister "Mai Tennoji"

OK........I don't see how that makes sense,but ehhhhhhhh.......whatever.

This season indeed does have some serious Pacing Issues on what they're trying to go for here,which they have alot of good ideas off the bat,but good lord,so much Wasted Potential in this Story arc which they keep fumbling the ball with nonsense like this.

but lets see what Shy and her pals will do for the upcoming endgame finale to season 2!

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