This Pup Really Loves Cookies

6 years ago

Dogs are such incredibly funny creatures! They know how to put up a show even when they are not really trying to! Just like the one in this video! He is so adorable and funny that you have to check it out. This video shows the cutest pup ever who adores cookies. He loves them so much that he’s ready to do whatever it takes to grab some. But his lady owner obviously knows that, so she puts the batch of cookies high on the kitchen counter so her cute pup cannot reach them. LOL! But the pup is so inpatient, that while the cookies are cooling on racks on the counter, he keeps jumping over and over hoping to snitch one. LOL! Sound familiar, ha? I have to say my pup is just the same! But unlike this one, she is much bigger, so hiding the cookies from her is almost impossible!

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