AETHER ~ The Fifth Element

2 months ago

Sealed Document

DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 Sealed Indictment
In The Highest Courts
Of The God of All Creation,
And El Elyon Shofet,
The Just and Righteous Judge
Criminal Division
Sealed Oral Indictment
Divine Light Holy Council
Courts of Heaven Prosecutors
The Accused Defendants and or Enemies Named Herein
On behalf of all living beings on our planet Earth, in our Milky Way Galaxy, and
our Universe that are in Agreement and In Service to the One Living True God of
All Creation, and in representation, with Your permission, to uphold and stand for
the Integrity, Intent, Love, Light, Compassion and Laws of God’s Original
Known as Your People/The Prosecutors
The Enemies/Defendants:
The False Darkness, Demonics, Lord Maitreya, The Holy See, Cabal, Negative
Alien Agenda (NAA), Negative Alien Archon Group, Negative Non-terrestrials, et
al., The Crown Corporation (City of London)/The Crown Agency of the British
Empire, Inner Temple, Crown Agents Oversea Government and Administration,
Crown Council of 13,
VATICAN City, City of LONDON, and the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. (The three
self-declared sovereign countries on Earth and all corporations, organizations,
foundations, groups, and individuals et al. associated with them).
Satan and the twelve apostles of Satan, Antichrists, All Thought-forms of the
Anti-Christs and negative spirits under Lucifer et al, unclean evil spirits,
Babylonian Systems, Babylonian Brotherhood, All Principalities Powers the
rulers of the darkness of this age, Nephilim, Archangel Archons, Seraphim (fallen
angels and archangels that have fallen from God the Creator) billions of fallen
Ascended Masters, Interlockers, the Watchers, Council of the Nine Mothers of
Darkness, satanic witches and warlocks, Proxy Groups, Mobius Corporation,
Umbrella Corporation, Monarch Corp, Shaw House Corporation, Dark Shield,
Hulk Program, Scorpion Corporation, Massive Dynamic, Cyberlife, DARPA,
Femtotech, All demonic and negative spirits as known by God Creator including
Familiar Spirits, The Spirit of Pharmakeia, Caduceus, The Jezebel Spirit, all
Satanic Soldiers, Reptilian hybrids and other homo-capensis Luciferian Satanist
Global Elites, All Satanists involved in any way contractually with the
Defendants, The Mark of the Beast,
The World Monarch-The Pindar, Secret Thirteen Saturnalian Brotherhoods
Zoroastrian (who are the Khazarian bloodlines - Thirteen Bloodlines of Cain),
Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Tribe of
Dan, Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers (who are in full control of the Company
of Jesus), the Jesuit Order et al., The Black Nobility, Ariana and Nag from Scion,
Arians, Nazis and all groups associated with them, The Red Dragon, The Triads,
Pepe Orsini and the House of Orsini, and the Roman Maximus Clan,
Aldobrandini and the House of Aldobrandini, House of Borja, Breakspear and the
House of Breakspeare, House of Somaglia, House of Conti, House of Chigi,
House of Colonna, House of Farnese, House of Medici, House of Gaetani,
Merovingians, House of Orange–Nassau, House of Payseur, V. Astor
Foundation, William Waldorf Foundation, Zeno Family, House of Pamphili,
House of Este, The Rothschilds and foundations, The Rockefellers and
foundations, Khazarian Mafia, The Clinton Foundation and All Defendants
Foundations, All Traffickers of Humans (especially children), Handlers of all MK
Ultra victims, Pedophiles,
Order of the Garter, the Illuminati, Freemason's male and female Freemasons
including all Grand Masters, including CEOs of Masonic Lodges (All high level
32 degree and above), Grand Orient Masonic Order, Scottish Rite, York Rite,
Knights of the Masonic Knights Templar, The Rosicrucian Order, The Committee
of 300 et al., Task Groups of the Enemy/Defendants, Knights of the Round
Table, Knights of Malta, Odd Fellows, Shriners, Democratic Clubs, Secret
Camps, Rebeccas (Eastern Star), Daughters of the Revolution, World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts of America, Elks Club,
Eagles Club, Ruckess Society, Unions that have been infiltrated by the Enemy
throughout the Universe, the Mossad, Zionists, Bohemian Grove, The Club of
Rome, The Grand Druid Council, the Jason Society, the Jason Group, the Ordo
Saturis, the OTO groups, the Pilgrim Society, Gnostic Priesthood, Skull and
Bones Society, Secret Society of Cecil Rhodes, Rhodes Scholars, Round Tables,
The Times Crowd, Chatham House Crowd, All Souls Group, Cliveden Set, The
Society of the Elect, The Association of Helpers, Junta of Three, All Souls
Group, Think Tanks, the Prieure de Sion, the Process Church, the Sanhedrin, the
Temple of Power, et al., CFR, Cosmos Club, ACL, Barrister’s Inn, Milner Group,
Milner’s Kindergarten, MS13, terrorists, terrorist groups and leaders, assassins,
All Secret Societies, All crime families et al, as known by this Court and
disclosed as “Evidence” in Camera in the Sealed Indictment.
Catholic Church, Popes: Black Pope, Grey Pope, White Pope, the Magisterium of
the Roman Catholic Church including All Cardinals and Bishops, Superiors
Generals and Superiors of Catholic Religious Orders in alliance with the
Defendants, Jesuits, Jesuit Brotherhood Illuminati, Swiss Guard, All Catholic
Orders, organizations and associations in alliance with the Defendants, The
Church of A.I., Sisters of Isis, Rosslyn Chapel.
Corporations created by the Defendants including All CEO’s, Board of Directors,
Managers et al. in alliance with the Defendants, non-profit and tax-exempt
entities allied with the Enemy, The Cabal, The Deep State, the deep state actors,
All affiliates including western fascists in power, as Known by this Court and
unknown by us, Walt Disney, Roy Disney, Walt Disney Co. (Multinational Mass
Media Corp. Et al.), Lucas Films Ltd. (LLC), Marvel Entertainment, Walt Disney
Motion Pictures Group, Disney Cruise Line, Walt Disney World Resort, Disney
Parks, Experiences and Products, Inc., Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World
Resort, Club 33, DeMolay Int., Order of DeMolay,
All George Soros affiliates including but not limited to; Tides Foundation,
Sojourners, Color for Change, Media Matters, People for the American Way,, Apollo Alliance, Open Society Institute, Center for American
Progress, Center for Human Rights. Henry Kissinger and the Star Groups,
Globalists, PepsiCo Inc., Unilever PLC, Nestle S.A., Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC),
Proctor and Gamble Co., Kellogg’s, Mars Inc., General Mills Inc., Mondelez
International Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Coca Cola Co., Honeywell International
Inc., Camelot Group,
New York Stock Exchange, worldwide Stock Markets, Wall Street, London
Banking Houses, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Master Card Inc., The Currency
and financial Master Plan which includes FIAT Money System, Dutchey
Foundation (bankers), Jerome Powel and all Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve Corporation/ System, the Federal Reserve, All Criminal Banks;
Rothchild Banks of London and Berlin, J.P. Morgan Chase and Company, Chase
Manhattan Bank of New York, Prudential Financial, Wells Fargo and Company,
Western Union, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Bank of
American Corporation, Franklin Resources, Commerzbank AG, Credit Suisse,
Deutsche Bank AG, Barklay PLC, UBS AG, T. Rowe Price, Bank of Lancaster,
North Carolina Bank, Nations Bank Interfirst Bank, Republic Bank, First Republic
Bank, Bank of America Corporation, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard
Brothers of Paris, The Bank of New York Mellon Corp., ABN AMRO Bank, Israel
Moses Sief Banks of Italy, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Borghese,
Nederlandsche Bank, Vereniging Voor Credit Management, The Saudi Hollandi
Bank of Saudi Arabia, Quatar Investment Authority, BlackRock Investments, USB
Bank, and Warburg and Company Banks of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Banca
Fucino and Fucino Bank, The Vatican Bank, The Bank of England, Lloyds of
London, London Stock Exchange, World Bank, The International Monetary Fund,
Central Banks, The Five Star Trust, Financial Institutions, Corporate Insurance
Companies, National Mortgage Loan Insurance Programs, Mortgage and
Finance Companies, Federal Housing Financing Agency, Reciprocal Inter-
insurance Exchange, Hedge Fund managers and associates, and any other
commerce related corporations that were put in place by the Enemy in All
nations and countries worldwide and beyond, Camelot Group, Multi-State Lottery
Association, A.I. Lottery, Lotto Star, All lotteries, All Credit Bureau Agencies, the
Bank for International Settlements and their illegal fraudulent identities and All
associated with them, Warburg family, Torlonia, Civella, La Rocca and La Rocca
di Torrepadula families, and All top criminal Bankers and Financial Institutions
including the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and their illegal fraudulent
identities, and All associated with them in this Universe, Insurance Companies,
Black Mirror Technologies, Microsoft, Western Digital Corp., NCR Corporation,
Logitech International S.A., Hewlett Packard Corporation, Nokia, Apple, Novell
Inc., AT&T, Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., National Semi-Conductor Corp., iRobot
Corp., BAE, Intelligence Corporation, Dominion Servers, and Dominion Voting
Systems and all voting systems, Black Web, Internet providers,
All teachers, professors, principles, headmasters and All those associated in
education related activities that are aligned with the Defendants including
Universities, Colleges, Schools Boards of Education, and their respective Boards
including Governmental Ministries, Departments, and Superintendents that are in
alliance with the Enemy by working in conjunction with the corporate Executive
Councils/Legislative Assemblies/Congress etc. worldwide, DeVry Inc., Oxford
University, All incorporated educational academies/schools,
Tesla Corporation in alignment with the Defendants,
Telephone/Electric/Gas/Water providers, management and municipal facilities
complicit with the Defendants, Texaco, Exxon Mobile, BP Oil, General Electric,
Sunoco, Emerson Electric Company, Halliburton Company, Ceradyne Inc., US
Bioenergy Corporation, Charleston Railroad Company, Cincinnati Railroad
Company, Chicago Railroad Company, Selma Railroad Company, Rome
Railroad Company, Dalton Railroad Company, Lancaster Manufacturing
Company, Carnegie Steel, Pullman Standard Company, Vanguard, Lincolnton
Iron Company.
Wendy’s, Whole Foods Market Inc., Starbucks Corporation, Safeway Inc.,
Molson Coors Brewing Company, Tyson Foods Inc., Jack in the Box Inc., Tootsie
Roll Industries Inc., Panera Bread Company, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Inc., IHOP Corporation, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc., Buffalo Wild Wings
Inc., California Pizza Kitchen Inc., Salt and Canola Oil producers, Food
Manufacturers and Distributors, McDonald’s and All Fast-Food Chains that had
and have human DNA in any food products or packaging, Ministries of
Agriculture and Food in All nations, All Agricultural and Food Marketing Boards
and Commissions, and All associated corporations and companies,
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation, All other Government
Corporations and All corporations and franchises created by the enemy,
including All Crown Agencies, All Security Advisors, Lucis Trust, Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) and all governmental tax agencies worldwide, Registries
and License Agencies and Boards, American Law Institute and All law institutes
and Legal Societies, Uniform Law Commission, Permanent Editorial Board for
the Uniform Commercial Code and All associated with them including those that
fund them, N/P 3D Courts of Law including Supreme courts, operated by the
federal/state/provincial corporations et al. and to including All laws and
jurisdictions implemented by the Enemy since the beginning of time, and All
corporate applications of such, All lawyers, judges, magistrates, law firms, law
clerks et al. that are in alignment with the Defendants, Bureaucrats, Indigenous
Chiefs aligned with the Defendants, The International Institute for the Unification
of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Hague International Court of Justice (ICJ), The
Round Table/The Royal Institute of International Affairs: Council of Foreign
Relations, The United Nations et al., U.N.I.C.E.F. and All subsidiaries, The
Bilderberg Group, Davos Group, Commonwealth of Nations, Royal Institute of
International Affairs, The Trilateral Commission, European Commission, Iran’s
Ministry of Defense, The Canadian Institute for International Affairs, the elected
and illegally elected Heads and leaders of All Corporate Governmental
departments with any type of jurisdiction or authority in any part of a corporate
government system in this Universe e.g., Provincial, State, Municipal, District,
Township, Rural, All Corporate Governmental Agencies, including All “3 Letter
Agencies” e.g., FBI, CIA, CIA Servers, DOJ, MI6, Organized Crime and
Corruption Reporting Project, Office of Strategic Services (OSS), All R.C.M.P.
and any other Police Force including Sheriffs, Agencies, Associations and
individuals that are complicit with the Defendants, Private Security Agents of the
Cabal, NASA, Negative Secret Space Program, German Secret Space Program,
Nazi Secret Space Program, NATO, Military Industrial Complex, Project Omega,
US National Reconnaissance Office NRO, MI6, England Intelligence, MJ12,
National Security Council, Nacht Waffen-SS, Dark Fleet, CIVID, National Security
Agency (NSA), Terracotta Warrior Soldiers Nation States, Dystopian Detainment
Centre (Australia), European Union and other trading Blocs, National
incorporated fake Governments worldwide and beyond, the elected and illegally
elected politicians (i.e., Presidents, Prime Ministers, Heads of States or
Provinces), Democratic Clubs, Defendant operated secret projects like the
Clementine Project, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter (BLM), the Pentagon (and the
Emerald City) and All Department of Defense (DOD) in alliance with the
23 and Me and all ancestry DNA testing companies and associates, All
Population Control Organizations, Optimum Population Trust of Manchester
England, United Health Group, Walgreen Company, Merck and Company Inc.,
U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Food and Drug Association (FDA), DUNE
Project, DUNE Numerics and affiliates, Project Umbrella, Neurocore, Palm
Beach Research Group, Union of Concerned Scientists, Aspen Institute for
Humanistic Studies, Tavistock: {IPS Institute for Policy Studies (1963), MIT,
National Training Laboratories, Wharton School of Economics, Hudson Institute,
Brookings Institute, Institute for Social Research, Nano Domestic Quell Program,
Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, Social Psychiatry, Harvard Psychiatric
Clinic, Stanford Research Institute (SRI)}, Rand, All scientists and researchers,
Lobbyists, employers, who are in alignment with the Defendants, All medical
professionals aligned with the Defendants including; doctors, surgeons, medical
regulators, medical practitioners and technicians, nurses, medical personnel,
dentists, pharmacists, paramedics, medical aids and specialists,
psychotherapists, social workers, psychiatrists, hypnotherapists, including private
and government owned hospitals, Ministries of Health worldwide, hospital board
of directors and C.E.O’s, Foundation and Health Trusts, clinics, and clinic
networks, Advisory Councils, Contracted Service Providers and subsidiaries,
primary care networks, community based health services, Hospices, ambulance,
and alcohol and drug centers, detox centers, clinical laboratories, psychiatric
centers and facilities, vaccination facilities and title owners of the associated real
estate of buildings where crimes have been perpetrated by the defendants, and
all other health related professions and their associates including Veterinarians,
Alberta Veterinarian Laboratories and All such laboratories worldwide that
produce, manufacture, and sell Ivermectin and are now refusing to distribute it to
Your People, and that are complicit in any way with the Defendants, and are not
in alignment with God Creator. All health and science organizations, W.H.O.
(World Health Organization), C.D.C. (Communicable Disease Center), N.I.H.
(National Institute of Health)/National Medical Research Agency and All those
responsible and associated in animal experimentation including grants and
funding, F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration), N.I.M.R. (National Institute of
Medical Research), National Medical Agency, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Research and Development Authority (BARDA),
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (Josef Mengele), Brand Institutes, Drug and Safety
Institutes, including Frontline Critical Covid Care (FLCCC) members that are
aligned with the Enemy, I.G. Farben, Monsanto, Eli Lilly, The Influenza Reagent
Resource (IRR), HHS Pandemic Influenza Operational Plan, The Advisory
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), National Incident Management
System (NIMS), Ochsner Health, All those involved in Pandemic planning, All
entities (companies, corporations, individuals, groups, and associates) with a
patent for the COVID virus or any other virus and medical instrument that has
been used against Your People, All pharmaceutical companies, corporations,
individuals, groups, and associates of same, MK-ULTRA, American Disease
Institute, All Biotech Companies, Academic Institutes, Universal Health Care,
and Government owned health agencies that are involved in any way(s) in any
activity against Your People’s best and highest interests especially those
involved in and including all associated with those owning patents and being
involved in any way with the COVID vaccine(s) including: Bill and Melinda
Gates, Pirbright Institute U.K., Anthony Fauci, NIH Bioethics and Christine Grady
Fauci, Francis Collins, New York Governor Kathy Hochel, the Red Cross, The
Order of the Red Cross, The Knights of the Red Cross, Global Influenza
Surveillance and Response System (GISRS), U.S. Surgeon General, All
Ministers of Health and governmental ministries and departments of Health
worldwide, Pfizer Incorporated, Pfizer-BioNTech, Medline Plus, Merck and
Company Inc., Gilead Sciences Inc., Sinovac BioTech (China), Inovio
Pharmaceuticals, Sinopharm-BBIBP (China National Pharmaceutical Group),
and Beijing Institute of Biological Products, Russian Gamaleya Research Institute
of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bharat Biotech, and The Indian Council of
Medical Research, Takis Biotech, Applied DNA Sciences Inc., EVVIVAXZ
Biotech, Zydus Pharmaceuticals, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd., CureVac
Corporate Services, Moderna Inc., Vaxil Bio Limited, Vaxil Bro Limited, Codageix
Inc., Serum Institute India, GeoVax Labs Inc., BravoVax Biotech Ltd., Janssen
Pharmaceuticals Inc. Janssen and Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson and
Johnson, MAP Pharmaceuticals Inc. Savient Pharmaceuticals Inc. University of
Oxford, Altimmune Inc., GREFFEX Inc., Vaxart Inc., CanSino Biologics Inc.,
Expres2ion Biotechnologies, Biotech Holding AB, Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research (WRAIR), Clover Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., AJ Vaccines, Generex
Biotechnology Corporation, EpiVax Inc., University of Georgia, Can Sino
Biologics, the Academy of Military Sciences (China), China National
Pharmaceutical Group, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, Center for
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Cuba), Russian State Research Center
of Virology and Biotechnology, VECTOR Pharma, Anhui Zhifei Longcom
Biopharmaceutical Company Ltd. (China), Finlay Institute (Cuba), Research
Institute for Biological Safety Problems (Kazakhstan), Chumakov Center at the
Russian Academy of Sciences, Minhai Biotechnology Company, Shenzhen
Kangtai Biological Products Company Ltd. (China), Shifa Pharmed Industrial
Company (Iran), Organization of Defense Innovation, Chinese Academy of
Medical Sciences, Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp., Dynavax Technologies
Corporation, Cadila Health Care, India Biotechnology Industry Research
Assistance Council, Vaxine Pty Ltd.,(Australia), and CinnaGen Company (Iran)
etc., all suppliers, retailers et al. that are selling adrenochrome and
chromochrome on
ALL Graphene producers that are in alignment with the Enemies, OSHA
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration), Water Treatment Management
that is aligned with the Enemy, Chemical, Pesticide, and Fertilizer Corporations
and Companies, Aluminum Company of America, National Research Council,
Fluorine Lawyers Committee, Kettering Laboratory, NIDR medical investigations,
International Society for Fluoride Research, Warner Lambert, Lever Brothers,
Reynolds Metals Company, Government of Canada Summerland Research and
Development Centre, Royal Dutch Shell, AAALAC International, AWA, All
National Public Health Agencies Worldwide, including health research scientists,
organizations, institutes and health corporations. All Botanists, Geo-engineering
Specialists and Scientists that are in alignment with the Defendants, Veterinary
Medical Association, Animal Welfare Shelters complicit with the Defendants,
Oceanic Research facilities that do harm to nature in any way, All worldwide
Agriculture and Food Marketing Boards and Commissions that are aligned with
the government corporations.
Corning Inc., L’Oreal, Nike, Arcelor Mittal, Alcan Inc., Colgate Palmolive
Company, Illinois Tool Works Company, Sherwin Williams Company, Mattel Inc.,
Eastman Kodak Company, Hasbro Inc., Snap-On Inc., Lennox International Inc.,
Maidenform Brands Inc., Midas Inc., Standard Motor Products Inc.,
Manufacturers of toxic clothing, Manufacturers of toxic body products,
Facebook/Instagram, Twitter LLC, Google, Miramax LLC, Comcast Corp., Marvel
Entertainment Inc., DIRECTTV Group Inc., MTV, Internet games, Mainstream
media, social media, The Rome owned media, All media and artists that
intentionally created false and demonic art and productions, NBC, Viacom CBS,
Fox, Netflix, Comcast Corp., AT & T, Sprint Corp., Charter Communications,
Thompson Reuters, DISH Network, The Bottom Line, News Corp., Time Warner,
Journalists and Reporters, Fleet Street newspapers and All newspapers,
magazines and All publishing monopolies, Broadcasting Corporations, Canadian
National Broadcasting Corporation (CNBC) and All communication commissions
and corporations, YouTube, Telecommunications systems that are complicit with
the Defendants, Technicians utilizing CGI and other technologies to change the
truth, Wynn Resorts Limited, Royal Caribbean Cruises Limited,
(music) Def Jam Records, Rocnation LLC, Sony Entertainment, G.O.O.D. Music,
The New York Times Company, All Publishing Houses, and All authors that
intentionally falsified our history, math, language and educational books,
United Parcel Service Inc., FedEx Corporation, Virgin Airlines, Pinnacle Airlines
Corp., Delta, KLM, US Airways, Airline Investigators complicit with the
Defendants, Airlines and Aviation manufacturers and workers that are complicit
with Operation Indigo Skyfold, Airline Aerosal Toxic Spraying and manufacturing,
Lockheed Martin Corp., Martin Marietta,
Amazon et al., Walmart Stores Inc., Payless ShoeSource Inc., The Gap Inc.,
Best Buy Company Inc., Lowe’s Company Inc., Macy’s Inc., J.C. Penny
Company Inc., Bed Bath and Beyond, Costco, and All other retailers in alignment
with the Defendants,
Drug Lords, Pushers, Trafficker's, pedophiles, Human Farming Slaughterhouses,
Human Meat Restaurants, Owners and Distributors, Hilton Hotels, Standard
Hotel chain, All hotels involved in human trafficking, stockyards, meat packing
plants, Airlines and Aviation Corporations complicit in any crimes against life,
Casino’s, World, State, Federal and Provincial Social Work Agencies, Child
Protection Agencies, Child Protective Services (CPS), Planned Parenthood,
Transit Commissions worldwide that are in alignment with the Defendants, All
Entertainers and Sports figures involved with human and child trafficking,
Toyota Motor Corp., Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co., Caterpillar Inc., Deere
and Company, General Dynamics Corp., Union Pacific Corp., Fleetwood
Enterprises Inc.,
Orion Group, Orion Grey’s, Orion Alliance, Nebu, Killy-Tokurt/Tall Gray’s, Tall
Whites (Gray’s), High Grey Council of 10, Council of 10, Council of 9, NACIs,
Zeta Reticulaii (aka Shamtbhala), and their accomplices, Reptiloids, Reptilians (3
species), Draco Reptilians (co-creators of the Roman Empire), Mothmen, All
Draco that are not in service to God the Creator and their attached thought forms
and artificial though-forms, half astral entities that use biological bodies, The
Builders, Kurs, Al-Gruualix, Ainanna, The Black Cube, Genetically Reptilian
Based Archons Extra-Terrestrials,
Maitre, Indugutk, Moovianthan-Kayphik, Hav-Hannuae-Kondras, Killimat-Arr,
Kyllimir-Auk, 2017, Dorsay, Mazarek, Jighantik, Tanzany, Mythilie, Alcohbata,
Nekubak (aka Gnomopo), X-17 (aka X), Caraveldi, the Omicron, Vril Reptilians et
al., Anunakene (Anunnaki), Borghia, Omicron Draco (Dragon Moth), Omicron
Star Systems, Papalpolusa, Draco Prime, the Queen of the Draco Prime, Alpha
Draco, Capa Draco, Negative Ant non-terrestrials, Dark Mantas, and the Fifth
Column, Black Sun Lineages et al., Reptile Insectoid Collective: The Dragon
Moth from Orion Black hole system, Necromiton beetle hominid, Men in Black
from Nibiruian lines, Marduk Omicron from Alpha Centuari, Centaur Hybrids from
Omega Centauri, Zeta from Rigel, Zeta Drakonian Agendas, Zeta from Zeta
Reticuli, Mantis Insectoid Entities,
Loki, Black Goo, Variants of Black Goo, (A.I.) Artificial Intelligence, Nano
technological Robotic Graphene, Synthetic RNA, Mollusk DNA that is used
against God Creator’s Creations, Artificial Thought-forms, Artificial life forms,
Artificial Technologies (Morgellons), Nano Technologies, Artificial Intelligence,
A.I. Operating Systems, Genetic Overlays, Biogenetics, Spiritual Artificial Life
All negative thought-forms related to the above including corporations and
subjects in this list, All malevolent extraterrestrials as known by this Court, any
negative non-terrestrials as known by You and unknown by us, All Non-Human
Beings that are not in alignment with God Creator,
Lucifer/Marduk, Asmodeus, Corii, Azazel, Abraxes, Nog, Nuit, Thelma, Janus,
Zurvan, et al. and Thought forms of same, Baal, Marduk (wife Enlil, Isis, Enki),
Samael, Lilith, Mog, Metatron, Archangel of the Red Ray, the Green Man,
Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Jr., Duke of Kent, Carl Anderson (head of the
Knights of Columbus and Committee of 300), George Soros, Warren Buffet, Mark
Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Lord
Phillip/Stephan/Andrew Green and affiliates, Klaus Schwab, Oprah Winfrey,
Ghislaine Maxwell, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Beyonce G. Knowles, Kanye
O. West, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Ted Turner, Buzz Aldrin, and All
others as known by this Court.
All corporate government agencies worldwide and beyond, All Defendants
corporations in pocket realities,
All other Defendants/Enemies, and their associated thought forms, clones,
overlays, doubles, actors, androids et al., shape shifting entities that have non-
human souls and all who do not have the highest and best interests of all life
everywhere as known by the God of All Creations,
All the Defendants and their organizations and affiliates as described in Petition
All those under sealed or unsealed indictments by the Alliance all over the N/P 3
D Earth.
Known as The Defendants/Enemies
We, the Prosecutors, the Divine Light Holy Council, who represent Your People,
have been honorably appointed to appear in the capacity of Prosecutors by this
Your Heavenly Courts. We graciously thank You Our Highest and Righteous
Judge for this appointment as permanent Intercessors.
We enter Your Court with humility and praise Your Holy Name.
The One True Living God of All Creations of the Multiverses
The Most High God and Father of all Creations
The Just and Righteous Judge
Psalm 100:4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with
We Repent of any sins including agreements and contracts we have made with
the enemies of the One True God of ALL Love Light, Compassion, and
Creations. We repent for falling for the deception of the enemies, via audible,
visual, and subliminal tactics. We specifically repent for all our inactions, resulting
in any travesties that have occurred due to our focus on things like pride and
selfishness. We repent for all transgressions, iniquities known and unknown by
us, and the bloodlines of our forefathers.
This Divine Light Holy Council represents and appears on behalf of the
Ekklesia, Your People, and all souls on Earth, in our Milky Way Galaxy, and in
our Universe that are in Service to God Our Creator, and all those in God’s
chosen future harvest known and unknown, in the waters, lands, and skies on
and in Earth, and on all other planets and galaxies in this Universe.
Therefore, and forthwith this Divine Light Holy Council stands in the gap and
repents for all sin on behalf of those that we represent. This includes all
agreements and contracts made by them and their ancestors and bloodlines,
especially those made unknowingly through the deceit and deceptions of the
Enemy. We do not negate any Rights of Free Will but stand to represent all those
whose desire for us to do so, that You may hear their petitions of repentance for
all sins known or unknown by them, that by their faith in the One True God of all
Creations, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit they will be filled with Your
Truth, that their eyes and ears be opened to Your Word. We do this so that they
may be freed from any contracts and agreements that are held against them by
any Prosecuting Attorney.
We plead the “Blood of Jesus Christ” for each individual soul that we
We ask that You forgive our sins, hear this Indictment and heal Your People and
the lands.
We come before Your Heavenly Throne with appreciation for the privilege of
Prosecutors in this Sealed Indictment of this Highest Court. We graciously
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior: as Heavenly Counsel, Advocate, and
The Holy Spirit: Our Consultant: Legal Advisor, and Teacher
Our Legal Team Archangel: Archangel Uriel
The Cloud of Witnesses: including the martyrs and GOD’s Heavenly Hosts and
Angels. (Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 12:1)
We further bring forth, as Expert Witness: Gene Decode
We thank this most High Court of Heaven for the expediency that was awarded
to us in the acceptance of hearing an oral Sealed Indictment this day. We ask
that should this Sealed Indictment be granted that all warrants for arrests be
made forthwith without bail, and the Accused/Defendants be held pending trial at
a future date. We further ask that proper notice be given henceforth by this
Court to all those concerned and in accordance with Your Will on all locations as
Exodus 21:16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in
his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
Exodus 21:2o And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die
under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
With Permission from this Court, we ask that in this Indictment and all future
cases before this Court, that this legal team will not conform to specific N/P 3D
Earth’s legal rules and format in the writing of this Indictment and other future
cases. Our intent as intercessors is to put forth to this Most High Court petitions
that are clear, informative, and specific in that they deal with any situation that, in
our opinion, is in contravention with Natural Law and the Divine Laws of God
Creator. We thank this Court for your assistance in this matter.
We Decree and Declare that this Enemy is working in tandem and as one unit,
entity or body in many and most aspects of this invasion, occupation, infiltration,
enslavement/ownership, and death of Your People within this Universe. Although
there are different factions within the list of Defendants that have specific areas
of duty, this Indictment shows that they operate as one whole Body. Although
other future cases will be brought forward against the Accused/Enemies, due to
the size and scope of criminal activity and the number of enemy forces listed as
Defendants in this Trial including all those known by You and unknown by us and
including all those working in association with, and in any ways as known by this
Court on and from all locations as defined, we ask that All Defendants listed
above and Known by You and unknown by us, be Charged with All the Crimes
as listed in the criminal charges below. We have recorded and highlighted
within this document, Highest criminal offenses and specific incidents or topics
within the subject matter for your attention, however as the scope of crimes is so
immense full judgment on all Defendants on all charges on all areas of
illegal activities on this subject matter including all that is known by this Court
and unknown by us is requested.
We gratefully thank El Elyon Shofet, the Just and Righteous Judge and this
High Heavenly Criminal Court for Your understanding and assistance to forthwith
process, give notice, arrest and hold without bail all those charged according to
Your Will.
We ask that this Highest Criminal Court hear this Oral Indictment, know our
intent, see our evidence In Camera including Addendum A and B, hear our
arguments, affirm the charges laid, and approve that we move to Trial. We
request that this Indictment, should it be approved, be Sealed until such time as
a Court date is established.
Below are the basic laws and Charges that are brought forth and they will be
listed in detail in an Addendum C in Trial.
God Creator’s Commandments
1. Thou shalt not interfere with the choice of those that I have created. +
2.You shall take no other covenant than that with God. +
3.Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing
that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water
under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I
the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing
mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
5. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will
not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
6. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do
all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou
shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor
thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six
days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, a all that in them is, and rested
the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
7. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land
which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
8. Thou shalt not kill.
9. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
10. Thou shalt not steal.
11. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
12. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy
neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his
ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
13. Observe the Law of Love. ++
14. Observe the Law of Grace. ++
+ Reference; Gene Decode from the Book of Sarah
++ Reference; from Julie B. through Holy Spirit in prayer October 20, 2021
Universal Divine Laws, Law of One
Natural laws
Criminal Crimes as listed on negative 3D Earth
Treason, Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes (Against Humanity [Civilians],
Belligerent's [Soldiers]), Genocide, Pre-meditated First Degree Murder, Ritual
Murder, Homicide, Crimes Against Peace (Invasion), Crimes in Contravention to
the Nuremburg Code, Geneva Convention (Inhuman Treatment), and the Rome
Statute (Biological Medical and scientific Experiments which cause death or
seriously endanger lives, MKUltra, etc.), Treatment of Prisoners of War, Denying
a fair trial, Sentencing or execution without due process, Unlawful deportation,
transfer or confinement, Taking hostages, Attacking civilians or civilian objects,
Attacking men or women or objects involved in a humanitarian assistance or
peacekeeping mission, Improper use of a flag or truce or distinctive emblems of
the Geneva Conventions, Employing poison, prohibited gases, liquids, materials,
or devices, Necromancy, Slavery, Criminal Theft, Aiding and Abetting, Child
Abuse, Child Torture, Child Pornography, Criminal Contempt of Court, Drug
Manufacturing and Cultivation, Drug Trafficking and Distribution, Destruction and
appropriation of property, Embezzlement, Extortion, Fraud, Forgery,
Impersonation, Human Trafficking, Human Farming, The use of child soldiers,
Harassment, Hate Crimes, Compelling service in hostile forces, Robbery,
Identity Theft, Criminal Identity Fraud, Indecent Exposure, Kidnapping, Insurance
Fraud, Money Laundering, Perjury, Pyramid Schemes, Racketeering/RICO,
Rape (Sexual slavery or enforced prostitution, Torture (including Mutilation and
Inhumane treatment), Illegal Extraction (Harvesting) of Body Parts/Blood,
Securities Fraud, Sexual Assault, Theft, Solicitation, Stalking, Statutory Rape,
Media Marketing Fraud, Vandalism, White Collar Crimes, Wire Fraud, Terrorism,
Weapons Trafficking, Illegal Arrests, Grand Larceny. Forgery, (Bank Fraud)
Obstructing Bankruptcy, Fraudulent loans, Bank impersonation, Complicated
Computer hacking and Complicated fraudulent Networks, Misstating financial
terms and conditions, assets, loan applications and any activity to obtain funds
As evidence we submit In Camera, Addendum A, Addendum B and all pertinent
specific information in the document.
We thank this Most High Court for hearing this Oral Sealed Indictment.
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done on Earth, The Milky Way Galaxy, and
this Universe.
Respectfully submitted:
Divine Light Holy Council (DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 Sealed Indictment)
Dated this 20th day of October in the Year of our Lord 2021.
Updated Defendant List for Trial January 6, 2022
Judgment Declared: 20th day of October 2021
Judgment granted to proceed to Trial.
All requests are granted.
Posted in the Hall of Records
Warring Angels dispatched for arrests without bail and held pending the Criminal
Court Trial.
Judgment Declared: re: Additions added the 6th day of January 2022.
Judgment granted for additions to the Indictment. “So it be done.”

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