VP Nominee Tim Walz Claimed He Was In Afghanistan And Had PTSD

7 months ago

Posted • August 12, 2024: Democrat Gov. Tim Walz's stolen valor plot has thickened as C-SPAN clips show how far he allowed misinformation about his military record to go when he was a member of Congress. In one clip he tells the story of returning from deployment and getting shown the "Horse Whisperer" as treatment for potential post-traumatic stress disorder, while in another he is shown clearly nodding in agreement when a host repeats his military record with a claim "served with his battalion in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan." Walz now admits he never served in Afghanistan, and has said his battalion was sent to Iraq after he left the service — mistakes Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign are now explaining away with saying he merely "misspoke."

But it was not just confused or garbled words repeated multiple times, but also the nod in agreement with the erroneous claim he served in a war zone, the C-SPAN clips show. When Walz was read his record on C-SPAN in March 2016, Walz was shown nodding multiple times when he was read his military record. "Highest ranking soldier to ever serve in Congress" — he nodded yes. "Enlisted in the Army National Guard at 17 and retired 24 years later as command sergeant major and served with his battalion at Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan" — he nodded yes again, albeit with some slight hesitation and moving his lips as if he wanted to respond, but did not.

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