Full Disclosure NOW 2024 Post-Conference Geekout: Special Guest Matthew Mournian

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Join Mario Mijares and Alex Liberato as they sit down with special guest Matthew Mournian, a speaker at Full Disclosure NOW 2024 and a Multidimensional Energy Healer and Intuitive Reader. Matthew specializes in clearing, balancing, and removing negative energetic manifestations from the body. The conference featured survivors of Secret Space Programs and the Montauk Project, as well as skilled Remote Viewers and Light Workers, all united in educating the public on hidden black budget projects and rallying for global justice and healing.

Matthew is also the author of "Remember Your Mission: Maybe You're Not Crazy, Maybe You're Psychic," a book that chronicles his journey of awakening, extraterrestrial contact, and psychic activation. His transformation from a toxic, medicated state to a full-time professional psychic and energetic practitioner highlights his belief that within each person lies the soul of an ancient healer, mystic, or spiritual warrior.

Tune in for an in-depth discussion on the insights and experiences shared at the conference, and explore the powerful work Matthew continues to do in the realm of energy healing and spiritual awakening.

#FullDisclosureNOW2024 #WhistleblowerConference #TruthRevealed #LightWorkers #RemoteViewing #SSPSurvivors #MontaukProject #HealingAndJustice #GlobalMovement #DisclosureCommunity #ETContact #HiddenTruths #SpiritualAwakening #ConferenceHighlights #PsychicHealers #SecretSpacePrograms #SuperSoldiers #MilLabs #NetworkingEvent #StarTrekFuture #BlackBudgetProjects #SpecialAccessPrograms #Starseed #Starseeds #Lightworker #Awakening #Ascension #SpiritualAwakening #HigherConsciousness #GalacticFamily #CosmicConsciousness #IndigoChild #CrystalChild #SpiritualJourney #SoulMission #Empath #SpiritualHealer #StarseedAwakening #Multidimensional #DivineFeminine #DivineMasculine #CosmicEnergy #SoulPurpose #StarseedActivation #GalacticBeing #SpiritualGrowth #SpiritualCommunity

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