Surah Ad-Dukhan | Quran Recitation & Translation

2 months ago

Surah Ad-Dukhan (Arabic: سورة الدخان) is the 44th chapter of the Qur'an. It consists of 59 verses (ayat) and is a Meccan surah, meaning it was revealed before the Prophet Muhammad's migration to Medina. The surah is named "Ad-Dukhan," which means "The Smoke," after the mention of a great smoke that will be a sign of the approaching Day of Judgment.

Overview of Surah Ad-Dukhan:
Verses 1-6: The surah begins with the disjointed letters "Ha, Meem" (حٰمٓ), which are often seen at the beginning of several chapters. It then emphasizes the importance of the Qur'an, describing it as a "clear Book" sent down during a "blessed night" to warn humanity.

Verses 7-16: These verses warn the disbelievers of the severe punishment they will face. It mentions the "smoke" (Ad-Dukhan) that will cover the people as a sign of impending doom. Despite this, the disbelievers continue to reject the truth.

Verses 17-33: The surah recounts the story of Prophet Moses and his mission to Pharaoh and the people of Egypt. It highlights how Pharaoh and his people were destroyed for their arrogance and rejection of God's message. The narrative serves as a warning to those who deny the truth.

Verses 34-50: These verses describe the fate of the disbelievers in the Hereafter. They will be punished in Hell for their rejection of God's signs. The torment in Hell is described in vivid detail, emphasizing the consequences of disbelief.

Verses 51-59: In contrast, the surah concludes by describing the rewards for the righteous in Paradise. They will be in gardens with springs, wearing fine garments, and enjoying the company of their spouses. The surah ends with a reminder that the Qur'an is the ultimate truth and a warning to those who deny it.

Key Themes:
The Smoke (Ad-Dukhan): This is a sign of divine punishment that will appear as a warning to disbelievers.
The Importance of the Qur'an: The surah emphasizes that the Qur'an is a clear and decisive revelation sent down for the guidance of humanity.
Historical Lessons: The story of Moses and Pharaoh is recounted as a reminder of the consequences of rejecting God's messengers.
The Day of Judgment: The surah vividly describes the fate of the disbelievers in Hell and the rewards for the righteous in Paradise.
Surah Ad-Dukhan serves as both a warning to those who reject the message of Islam and a reassurance to the believers of the truth and justice of God's promises.

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