Jason Christoff

2 months ago

Jason Christoff, celebrated expert on mind control and brainwashing (and please see below), will speak to us at our Zoom meeting on Sunday 11 August 2024 at 8 pm London time.

Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International invites you to a Zoom meeting on Sunday 11 August 2024 at 20.00 (8 pm) London time, 15.00 (3 pm) New York time, 12 noon Los Angeles time, 03.00 (3 am) (Monday) Borneo time, 05.00 (5 am) (Monday) Sydney time, 07.00 (7 am) (Monday) Auckland time.

Please see the invitation below. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9352118786?pwd=UlowWHpKdmVDeU1Hb1g0N3RpZDdqQT09

PLEASE NOTE: Recordings of these meetings are posted on the Rumble channel within 48 hours of the live event: https://rumble.com/user/cbkovess


Jason Christoff runs an international psychological reprogramming institute where he educates on the topics of mind control, behavior modification, psychological manipulation, propaganda,.self sabotage and brainwashing. This information allows each graduate to review their own internal programming, which may be holding them back from expressing their full potential in life. If a graduate discovers that they carry self destructive and self abusive behaviors in their subconscious mind pathway, reprogramming options are explained and provided. With this knowledge, graduates of Jason's program have the capability to review the subconscious behaviors of their patients, clients etc, and reprogram in a similar fashion.

Title of Talk is 11 Hidden Secrets of Media and Government Mind Control - first 6 Secrets discussed on first day and the remaining 5 another day (other topics include the mind control at the Olympics past and present)

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