Abandon China or leave US

2 months ago

Video: US sanctions against China are putting global firms to a decision: abandon China, or leave the US. Sanctions against China only make China better and stronger 美國對中國的製裁正在讓全球企業做出決定:放棄中國,還是離開美國。對中國的製裁只會讓中國變得更好更強


Nvidia and other chipmakers are struggling to survive in China, the world's largest semiconductor market, while also observing Washington's increasingly strict trading curbs.

Despite obvious sanctions failures against Russia and China, Western governments continue to punish their own companies who do business in and with the world's biggest industrial and consumer markets. Companies who set up outside the United States and a small handful of Washington's closest allies are not subject to these restrictions. We should therefore expect that more Western companies will break apart into units which serve different markets, and that new firms will establish themselves in countries whose laws allow them to do business anywhere.


儘管對俄羅斯和中國的製裁明顯失敗,但西方政府仍在繼續懲罰在全球最大的工業和消費市場開展業務的公司。 在美國境外設立的公司和少數華盛頓最親密的盟友不受這些限制。 因此,我們應該預期,更多的西方公司將拆分成服務於不同市場的單位,而新公司將在法律允許其在任何地方開展業務的國家建立自己的公司.

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