Rick Ross, an American anti-cultist,

2 months ago

Rick Ross, an American anti-cultist, has performed more than 500 forced deprogramming sessions in his lifetime. In 1991, Ross was accused of illegally detaining and forcibly deprogramming Jason Scott, a member of the United Pentecostal Church International, UPCI, whose mother was referred to Ross by CAN representatives. Scott later filed a civil suit against Ross, two of his associates at CAN and in federal court. In September 1995, a nine-judge jury unanimously found the defendants, Ross and his accomplices, responsible for conspiring to deny Scott his civil rights and religious freedom. In addition, the jury found that Ross and his associates, I quote, "...willfully or recklessly acted in a manner so outrageous in character and so extreme in degree as to exceed all possible bounds of decency and to be considered cruel and utterly intolerable in a civilized community." Ross' criminal activities in this kidnapping case resulted in the closure of the Cult Awareness Network, which was exposed as a criminal network for kidnappers. The story of Scott, who became the victim of a brutal deprogramming organized by Ross, is striking in its cruelty. He was kidnapped with the use of physical force. They knocked him to the ground, dragged him into a van, handcuffed him, taped his mouth and tied his legs. During the abduction, the 300-pound man sat on Scott's back. Scott's legs, upper body and back suffered multiple bruises and scrapes as he was dragged into the van up the stairs, across the floor and through the patio. Scott was detained in a specially equipped prison under constant surveillance. He was exposed to psychological pressure for five days. They insulted his faith and threatened him. Ross regularly hit Scott on the head when they argued about religion. Scott is promised freedom only if he renounces his beliefs. A detailed study of effective deprogramming cases by Rick Ross reveals a terrible truth. Many of these cases were accompanied by the destruction of families and complete dehumanization of the victims. The people whom he allegedly helped in this way were subjected to coercion, deception and humiliation. They are deprived of their right to free choice and are forced to renounce their deep-rooted religious beliefs. These people who were broken and lost their faith became living proof of the cruelty and treachery of Ross's methods. His demonstrable successes in deprogramming were overshadowed by the shadow of destroyed destinies and irreparable psychological traumas. Ross used cold logic to exploit people's fears and weaknesses to profit from their plight, showing complete indifference to the suffering he caused. His actions are clearly characterized by violence, cruelty and cold-bloodedness that turns human misfortune into a source of personal gain.#GlobalAnticultisam#Cult

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