Put on a Happy Face

1 month ago

So here's to you... the survivors. The ones who have been to
hell and back. The one's who've hit rock bottom, maybe
more than once, yet somehow found the courage to keep on
going. And to those who are still struggling, may you find
that inner strength and not lose hope.

To the used and abused, the sick, the discriminated against,
the overlooked and underestimated, even if by yourself.
Whether you were already born with challenges or have
experienced them over time. Whatever has been your cross
to bear, remember... To thine own self be true.

Life can be a cruel Mistress that will bring you to your
knees. It can leave you feeling broken and defeated. But it
also can be filled with precious moments and possibilities.
If you chose to be anything, be your own kind of beautiful.

༻ Be you • Be Bold • Be Free ༻

I am nothing and I am all things. I am the end and the beginning. I am infinite.

I am Zer0.

VIDEO: 5:29

5=The Heirophant - All in The Pyramid scheme 2=The High Priestess - Seekers of hidden knowledge and 9=The Hermit= The Light that got stolen/eclipsed from the guide- the keeper of the light

or 5+2+9= 16= The Tower or the Tower of Babel/Babylon falling or 7 The Chariot= to bring balance into a situation and taking all of the wisdom gained and move forward.

In October 2021 I went missing off of the air. So much has transpired and I don't have much time left in this world. I wanted to explain what happened to me and it has to do with much of what I talked about on the channel 4yrs ago beginning with He that hath an ear and so much more.

Things like crucifixions, Judah Lions, Family curses, Game of Thrones, Hidden bloodlines, True royals vs. fake ones and wanna be's, the Jacksons, The Windsors, my family, the NWO, Hidden agendas etc. I have a court case coming up so I want to document as much as possible because my story is your story is our story and much of what I reveal would turn the world on its head, especially religion as my family wrote the Bible for King James and The Tribe of Judah or the line of Judah is in my family.

Perhaps they won't let me get far, just like the last time when I was only allowed to have 18 subscribers before they graced me with 20. 18 in Tarot is what is hidden- The Moon and 20= Judgement.

I was only allowed to make 15 video before I was hidden from the world yet again. 15 is the Devil card in Tarot and 15=6 The Lovers= Decisions with long term consequences (The ConVid) as well as the picture on the card depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, what they're trying to create in their New World.

Ironically enough I had no idea there was a new Joker movie coming out. This clip is actually from a Zero X Files video that I did back in 2021 called Musings of a Cigarette smoking man. It had to do with race wars cos at the time this was all it was in 2020 especially. But it isn't just black and white though it is at the same time ("checkerboards on the floor" inside innuendo). The race wars span interdimensionally and I've been a target of both.

I hope to over the next 18 weeks( The Moon- What is done in darkness comes to light) piece it all together, the past 4 yrs and the journey we've all been on. Some are already dead, only some are awake and most are still asleep.

I would like to conduct it as a "Revelations" as it was done to me but you get the easier version not the one that involved the torture of a soul, mine. It is the true School of Awakening not no Eckhart Tolle story time. I hope you will join me once again before I pass away from this world. Though they have taken everything from me and most of you, there's still an opportunity for truth to be revealed as only the truth shall set you free.

0 is the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (the highest) as there is no beginning and no end; all is infinite. The ancients proclaimed that the ‘God force’ is a circle whose center is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere. Zero is the symbol of ‘nothingness’ and denotes freedom from limitations in this material world. Zero is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. The number zero encompasses the attributes of all other numbers, and brings one closer to the ‘God force’ or ‘Source’.

•★The best teachers show you where to look but not what to see.

The Light you hold is the Light you keep -:¦:-*☼*-:¦:-
SHIƝЄ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥•*¨*•★ aka ZerO

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