Uncensored: @MarkPassio Satanism, Possession, & Saying "I Was Wrong"

4 months ago

Original Source: https://youtu.be/0GPJ3OVKDNw Episode #289
Website: https://whatonearthishappening.com

Part of the "satanic" mindset is "believing your thoughts." The issue being that the thoughts are created by beliefs, so if you believe your thought, you are believing in the beliefs one holds and that is mal-adaptive self-reenforcing of false ego projections. It's gaslighting.

Challenging the "false projections" is a challenge to the false self that these "narcissists?" have constructed of others and self!

More often than not, gaslighting is done by someone who doesn't even know they are doing it... they simply BELIEVE the lies they tell themselves about themselves and others without checking in.

1-0 for Kruger-Dunning, even if the studies are biased, it is a phenomenon that egocentric, solipsistic people are possessed by.

#markpassio #possession #satan #satanic #satanism #tolle #adyashanti #consciousness #naturallaw

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