i have already found the person for me *SPOILER: it's ag

6 months ago

i love this angle, don't chu vortex
people find fulfilment in different ways
if you do relationships wrong it won't just screw you up, it will screw up yer kids too
if you work on yourself you will be quicker to get outta a bad situation
ag is a red flag detective
so tired of explaining this
stop expecting this to happen unless you're willing to work on yourself
you are worthless if you can't spend time w/ yourself
if you can't see your vulnerabilities you will be exploited
we need community, i force myself to do things i don't wanna do
anything longer than an hr is an extended period of time
comedy is not fun for me but i know it's what i'm supposed to do (overall payoff)
my narcissism ain't getting fed on stage
it's an ongoing analysis reel for ag
level 150 in ag's world so you are not as annoyed as you think you are
a lack of self-awareness is emotional retardation
frontal lobe damage is pretty serious
narcissism involves real or imagined criticism
they dunno who they are, that's why they get so offended
what identity tho?
continue to think i'm stupid, it just makes me stronger so thanks
i cirque du soleil my way outta getting offended, you should too
more people than not wanna be pansies
this is way art is (mostly) dead

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