PART 1 PERILOUS TIMES "TOUGH STUFF"Christian Lovers of Themselves 2 Timothy 3: 1-5

5 months ago

Shocking,Deplorable yet accepted, embedded benign to mean indifferent , biased and hardened to leadership...Paul warned us and He was very accurage PART 2 concluded and tells with Christian ministry men and lay demeaning women by perverse use of Bible Scripture, also women letting them self be repeatedly used based on poor parenting authority, low self esteem poor pastor, elder, leader la ally male weak role models and prehistoric Bible teaching and also sin..I Samuel 1:1-2 hardcore accostomed LP playPART 2 concludes with more about leaser males and females
DYSFUNCTIONAL styles of Christian and Women
Shady snakey predatory men Abusing using defeated weak willed big oppressed used to being demeaned and disrespected MANY Women

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