Daddy's message of encouragement to Ayrton & Gabrielle after hearing of their extreme hardship

6 months ago

Although times are exceptionally hard at the moment for you, it isn't going to last forever. Of 8 billion people in the world, a big chunk of them would respect & value you, don't let the toxic few mislead you to believe it's all of them, or that you are unlovable, no one should ever feel that way. Surround yourselves with positivity, go get what you're worth, meditate, walk the countryside, exercise, eat healthy, learn to control your thoughts, try to avoid exaggeration/ catastrophising/ generalisations as outlook of topics, don't treat others in the bad way you was treat, every opportunity is an opportunity to rise above & strengthen the integrity of your character, & most importantly, keep your hands of my damn roasted nuts 🤨🤪 Daddy loves more than anything in the universe, although it seems like he's doing nothing for you atm, that's all it is, an assumption. Now let's talk about #butteredsausages #justice4ayrton8gabrielleabreu #justice4daddyabreutoo #parentalalienation #childabuse #Louth #Grimsby

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