Tim Walz Deserted His 87-Year-Old Mother Recovering From Heart Surgery For Political Gain

1 month ago

Posted • August 11, 2024: Tim Walz AKA Lefty White Women's Favorite Daddy Admits to Being a Horrible Son for Political Gain 一 Every time I think I've seen the very worst story I can about Tim Walz some news article, or video drops and I'm surprised once more that even the Democrats would choose someone this awful. But not only did they choose this guy, there are leftist women (and sadly, some men) out there claiming he's their daddy. How I wish I was making that up but nope. There are actually news outlets covering his ties to the music industry claiming this makes him an even COOLER dad. Creepy stuff, you guys. What IS IT with people on the Left turning the government into their parents? It's just odd, creepy, and sad. All of this being said, sounds like the left's cool dad is a crap father. Look at this: Deserted his troops. Deserted his aging mother. All for his own gain.

Notice Walz doesn't say they isolated his aging, recovering from heart surgery mother for her safety, they did it to protect him politically. He ADMITS IT, like we're all somehow supposed to feel sorry for HIM for deserting his own mom for political gain. Telling you, this guy just sucks. Remember when the Dems claimed to be the party of compassion and empathy? Now they don't even pretend to be anything other than selfish. Vote your body parts! Vote for your race! Vote for censoring your opponents! Walz is just the end result of that. It is as simple as this. This is a man that believes that everyone should cross the border and be welcomed with free housing and medical care provided by taxpayer dollars while the rest of us are hit with high inflation and he doesn't have an economic plan to help Americans.

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GUs6NMGWAAA7dMZ?format=jpg&name=large -- Yup, that's him. Folksy. RIGHT?! It's super folksy to leave your mother all alone as she recovers from HEART SURGERY for political gain. I'm starting to think the Democrat powers that be deliberately chose Walz because they knew he's even more unpopular and unlikable than Kamala, and he's HER insurance policy although we all just watched what happens when a candidate picks someone they think is so unpopular they can 'protect' them. She's running for office right now.

• Related: Twitchy - Democrats Hate Jews: Tim Walz HOSTED and FUNDED Muslim Cleric Who Celebrated October 7, Hitler FIVE TIMES
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