🪈Rx Venom ie. Ozempic + others🐑

1 month ago

Venom, Toxin, Poison ☠️ It's inside of virtually every injection, drug and some too many cosmetics, now. At least, in some form, if not venom. We need independent labs to test EVERY product! My daughter and I had a discussion about Ozempic, specifically, she telling me how many individuals she knows who were taking it WITHOUT QUESTION, merely because it was prescribed or is popular. She comes into contact with many persons every day, like I used to in the medical (radiology) field. UNBELIEVABLE! She warns them, only mildly and once, to reconsider, suggesting research. YET, it never does, doesn't ever seem to cause them any alarm or to reconsider. WOW! Folks, how "dumbed-down" stoopid stupid have we been made?!? If you haven't watched "Cancer - The Forbidden Cures", do so NOW! Another eye-opening one is titled "Human Pharming". Unless you understand WHERE WE ARE and HOW WE GOT THERE, you will never accept the fact of how much we've be LIED TO and how far we have be MISLED! Why do we others have to BEG you to listen, HEAR and SEE?!
Instead, YOU think WE are crazy "far" fanatics steeped in "C-theories", when that term was coined and is used by 3-letter agencies. Thanks to know-it-all scoffers who listen to main flow media, commercials and doctors trained only by corrupted schools and pharmaceutical SALES representatives, we are now at THIS POINT! ONLY thanks to the gullible "sheeple". Sorry for going off on a tangent, but this should have NEVER happened and COULD have never happened. NONE of it! Since WHEN did people ever THINK, or more accurately NOT think, that when the powers that be first bribe you with money, tickets, food or other freebies, then also demand and mandate and threatened you with fines and/or incarceration that ANY of this was for GOOD or for REAL! Please, EXPLAIN it to me/us! Blaming US, thinking YOU are that smart?!? Not wanting to be divisive, but simply STOP, examine your actions and thinking + beliefs, and apologize to everyone you blamed and accused. Humiliation humility should humble you AND make you wiser. This is SICK, PERVERTED, WICKED (TWISTED) EVIL at its best-worst and at very LEAST! It is what the Word calls an ABOMINATION [of desolation] (death, destruction) purposely perpetrated by psychopathic, sociopathic and narcissistic satanists HELL bent upon genocidal/homicidal/democidal eugenicists! Birth of life abortions, also!
Ever since EDEN... understand? Enough!
We forgive you, whatever your inadequate* excuse(s), but start making up for your *sorry, deadly mistake, PRONTO!
Don't be a stupid martyr, be a brave martyr.
Hear TED NUGENT < https://rumble.com/v3246c4-nugent-baahaahaaad-sheeple-talk-classic.html >
MEDIA RESPONSE < https://rumble.com/v324lqa-tyt-the-young-turds-response-to-nugent.html >
And, just in case you didn't know, Ted is a rock'n'roller who never smoked, drank or took illicit drugs. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.. or not.
(The flute references Pan or the pied-piper.)
< https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20200902-the-grim-truth-behind-the-pied-piper >
Also, educate.>>>The meaning of "abomination"⬇️

Unnatural, sick, perverted, twisted (wicked), vile, putrid, disgusting, abhorrent, intolerable to life, for the very existence of life. Leads to death and/or extinction. Epitome of immorality.
(It does NOT matter how "normal" something is or becomes by acceptance or toleration. You must ask, "IS it NATURAL?")

I shall refrain from further diatribes on ANCCR, reserving it for my other Rumble channel, in the future. It's all in the "Holy Bible", including the New Testament.
NUMBERS 6:24-26
(The hand symbol is not about "Spock". It's ancient, referring to "the rock of ages" cleft for thee.)

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