The True Story of William Wallace - Braveheart

5 months ago

William Wallace is celebrated as one of Scotland's greatest national heroes, revered as the leader of the Scottish rebel forces during the formative years of the prolonged struggle to liberate Scotland from English dominion at the close of the 13th century. His legacy is one of unwavering patriotism and steadfast dedication to the cause of Scottish independence, embodying the spirit of a nation yearning for freedom. He is more highly regarded than scottish monarchs with his name being known worldwide.

Much of what is popularly known about Wallace can be traced back to a late-15th-century romance titled The Wallace, attributed to Henry the Minstrel, commonly known as Blind Harry. This epic poem is fiercely anti-English in its language and tone, depicting Wallace as a heroic figure fighting against overwhelming odds. While many of the tales recounted in this work lack documentary evidence, they nonetheless capture the imagination and enduring spirit of the Scottish people. Wallace is portrayed as a champion of the common man, striving for liberty against oppression, and in stark contrast to the opportunistic Scottish nobility of his time, who are depicted as collaborators with the English for personal gain. He was a man from humble origins who rose to become the the guardian of Scotland and an inspiring general and leader of men. As the Scots believed in him, he was a man of incredible character, unwavering in his beliefs.
Unlike the conniving Scottish nobles who colluded with the English in exchange for financial rewards, Wallace sought neither personal fame nor material gain. Wallace accrued neither wealth nor land, and his sacrifices were made solely for the freedom and betterment of his homeland.

This profound dedication to his cause has cemented Wallace's legacy as a symbol of national pride and resistance. His story transcends time, being immortalised in the film braveheart highlighting some of his achievements and portraying him as a beacon of hope for the scottish people. Although captured by his adversary Edward Longshanks the King of England otherwise known as the hammer of the scotts, William displaced a will of iron and due to his defiance and was killed in one of the worst ways possible. This only heightened his legacy as and went on to inspire his fellow scots to gain their independence from tyrannical English rule. This is the story the guardian of Scotland William Wallace.

00:00 Introduction
02:53 Early Life
06:33 The Scottish Crown in Turmoil
11:02 A Legend is Born
18:10 The Battle of Stirling Bridge
24:25 The Battle of Falkirk
27:56 Capture & Brutal Death

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