Decoding the Dark Metabolism: Synthetic Biology Exposes Secrets of Life Without Oxygen

6 months ago

The AnoxyGen project, led by Christian Hertweck and funded by the ERC Advanced Grant, explores the potential of anaerobic bacteria in biotechnology, medicine, and ecology, aiming to discover new bioactive compounds.

The earth was populated with numerous organisms long before photosynthesis brought free oxygen into the world. Since oxygen was toxic to them, they developed completely different metabolic pathways than oxygen-dependent lifeforms such as humans, animals, and plants.

Anaerobic bacteria have survived the ages in special, oxygen-free niches, some of them very close to us: as an essential part of the intestinal microbiome, where they are of enormous importance for the well-being of the organism. However, certain anaerobes can also trigger life-threatening diseases such as tetanus or botulism. These bacteria therefore have a considerable influence on the quality of life on earth and occupy a key position in the environment. Their special metabolism also makes them sought-after tools in biotechnology.

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