Psalm 135: 1-6 of 21Tune: Blaenwern

2 months ago

Sing Psalms
Psalm 135 v1-6 of 21 "Praise the LORD, all you his servants!"
Tune: Blaenwern (Love Divine)
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as one-to-one correspondences.
Images: Priest worshipping at the temple in Jerusalem

This is the last of the 15 psalms (Psalms 120-135) known as Songs of Ascents. Sinclair Ferguson talks about the Psalms of Ascents spiralling in groups of 3.

PSALM 135 8 7 8 7

1 Praise the LORD, all you his servants!
Praise his name with glad accord,
2 You who serve God in his temple,
in the dwelling of the LORD.

3 Praise the LORD, for this is fitting.
He is good; his praise proclaim.
Praise the LORD, for it is pleasant
to sing praises to his name.

4 For the LORD has chosen Jacob
to belong to him alone,
Israèl to be his treasure,
set apart to be his own.

5 For I know the LORD is mighty;
greater than all gods is he.
6 He is sovereign in the heavens,
on the earth and in the sea.

7 He makes thunder-clouds to gather
from the earth’s remotest shores;
With the rain he sends forth lightning,
brings the wind out from his stores.

8 He struck down all Egypt’s firstborn;
man and beast alike were slain.
9 Mighty signs he showed in Egypt,
routing Pharaoh and his men.

10 Many nations he defeated;
kings he slew with mighty hand—
11 Og of Bashan and king Sihon,
all the kings of Canaan’s land.

12 All their lands he gave to Jacob,
to his people Israèl;
As a heritage he gave them
lands where they might safely dwell.

13 LORD, your name endures for ever;
your renown is ever great.
14 For the LORD sustains his servants
and his folk will vindicate.

15 But the idols of the nations,
made of silver and of gold,
Are by human hands created
with a hammer or a mould.

16 Mouths they have, but speak they cannot;
eyes they have, but cannot see.
17 Ears they have, but hear they cannot;
in their mouths no breath can be.

18 Those who make them will be like them;
those who trust them are the same.
19 Praise the LORD, O house of Israel,
Aaron’s house, exalt his name.

20 Praise the LORD, O house of Levi;
you who fear him, praise the LORD!
21 Praise the LORD who dwells in Zion,
in Jerus’lem praise the LORD!

The Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6 is regularly eluded to in the Psalms of Assents.

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