THIS Is What Really Happened to the Thief on the Cross | Luke 23:43 Explained

2 months ago

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The question of what happened to the thief on the cross during Jesus' crucifixion has long intrigued Bible readers. In this discussion, we delve into the true meaning of Jesus' words and clarify common misconceptions.

When Jesus was crucified, two criminals were also crucified alongside Him. One of these criminals mocked Jesus, while the other, known as the penitent thief, recognized Jesus' innocence and asked to be remembered when Jesus came into His kingdom. Jesus responded with a promise, saying, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."

This statement has often been misunderstood as a promise that the thief would go to heaven with Jesus that very day. However, a closer examination of the Bible reveals a different interpretation. According to John 3:13, no one has ascended to heaven except Jesus. Even King David, described as a man after God’s own heart, did not ascend to heaven after death. Instead, the Bible teaches that the dead remain in their graves awaiting resurrection.

Furthermore, Jesus Himself did not ascend to heaven on the day of His crucifixion. The Gospels detail that Jesus was buried and remained in the tomb for three days and three nights, as He prophesied, before His resurrection. After His resurrection, Jesus told Mary Magdalene, "Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father," confirming that He had not yet gone to heaven.

The confusion surrounding Jesus' promise to the thief largely stems from a misplaced comma in modern translations. The original Greek manuscripts of the New Testament were written without punctuation, and the placement of commas was added later by translators. When we consider the proper placement of the comma, the meaning of Jesus’ statement changes: "Assuredly, I say to you today, you will be with me in Paradise." The emphasis here is on the timing of the promise being made that day, not on when the thief would enter Paradise.

So, what is this Paradise that Jesus mentioned? In the Bible, Paradise refers to a beautiful, garden-like place associated with God's presence. The Apostle Paul spoke of being caught up to Paradise in a vision, and the Book of Revelation describes a future Paradise on the new Earth, where the Tree of Life is located in the New Jerusalem. This suggests that the thief will enter Paradise in the future when God's kingdom is established on Earth.

This interpretation not only aligns with the broader scriptural context but also emphasizes the hope of resurrection and the coming Kingdom of God on Earth, where the thief will eventually enter Paradise alongside the faithful.

Key Questions Answered
1. Did the thief on the cross go to heaven on the day of Jesus' crucifixion?

2. What did Jesus mean when he told the thief, “Today you will be with me in Paradise”?

3. How does the placement of a comma change the meaning of Jesus’ promise to the thief?

4. What is the biblical understanding of Paradise as mentioned by Jesus?

5. Why did Jesus not ascend to heaven immediately after his crucifixion?

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