THE Amazing HAMAC | Hn 45

6 months ago

Adam and Tyrone discuss the relevance of the Ross Ulbricht issue. Why won't libertarian's shut up about this issue? Why is it important? Then they reveal the winner of the greatest game ever: Who will be first to ruin the world? Also, two guest hosts join the show to amaze and amuse!

00:00 – Intro. Let's talk about Ross Ulbricht. ( Why is this one case so important?
05:53 -- Tyrone brings up Tim Pool and his opinion about the Libertarian Party and the fact that we've been pushing the "Free Ross!" issue. Adam... responds.
10:30 -- Tyrone emphasizes the importance of philosophy to our movement. Adam agrees but emphasizes the importance of getting involved in the real world and getting things done.
13:33 -- Tyrone makes a great point about the purpose of fiction, and also the importance of having specific, concrete, real-world examples of important concepts (
16:27 – Tyrone explains why he thinks Ross Ulbricht is important, and Adam explains his theory about why the government really threw the book at Ross -- it was all about Bitcoin.
21:56 – Finally! The winner of: Who will be first to ruin the world? Is it the CIA or is it Taylor Swift? You don't want to miss the big reveal! Plus, Adam shows off how expertly he can roll his "R"s.
28:34 -- In which two "special guest hosts" are introduced! Who could it be? Prepare to be amazed!
29:00 -- Outro, to the cheers and laughter of adoring fans!

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