Sebastian Junger – In My Time of Dying

6 months ago

Sebastian Junger nearly died. It was close. Along the way, a bunch of decisions happened to go his way. At one point, during his near death experience, a dark void opened up on his left, it was drawing him closer. His father, who had died years ago, was encouraging him to move towards the void. He, survived, and wrote his latest book about the experience. In his style, Junger teaches us about near death experiences, he science that confounds the scientists and what he thinks about death and dying. This is Sebastians third visit to the Break It Down Show with Pete A Turner

Get Sebastian's book on Amazon at

Joining Pete and Sebastian is Josh Mantz. Josh was shot and killed in Iraq. He was dead for over 10 minutes. When he came back, everything had changed. Josh's understanding of the world beyond the veil is leading towards a PhD. This conversation is something you won't find on any other platform. Josh doesn't speak publicly. Pete was able to convince Josh to sit with him and Sebastian because there is something special in this conversation. Get ready this is going to be good.

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