The Big Ten (Face-to-Face With God) – Deut. Chpt. 5

7 months ago

How significant would you say the 10 Commandments are from a cultural standpoint? I'm guessing most people have either heard of them or heard what some of them are – at least in countries where Christianity exists. It's also obvious that most countries' criminal codes share some similarities (murder, theft, etc. illegal). But the 'Big Ten' were meant to be more than just laws.

God spoke to Israel face-to-face at Sinai. He spoke the 10 Commandments. The rest of the law and statutes were given to Moses to pass on to the people. So what was so special about these 10? They are the foundation on which the entire OT law was built. In the NT, Jesus said the 2 greatest commandments are to love God (commandments 1-3) and love your neighbor (commandments 4-10). Jesus said that all the law and prophets hang on these two. That's how important the commandments are.

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