Bank robbers were only meters away from the heist el grande

6 months ago

El Tunnel Grande was discovered under a bank vault in the San Isidro area of ​​Lima, Peru. The thieves dug the 200-meter corridor for about a year. They were only five meters away from the "robbery of the century."

The thieves' plan collapsed because of a metal rod sticking out of the ground. Workers came to remove it after a courier called, started digging, and just half a day later accidentally broke through the ceiling of the underground passage.

At a depth of 3.6 meters, it was light and dry, there were mattresses, personal belongings, barrels of fuel, tools, and a detailed robbery plan. The thieves themselves were nowhere to be found. Now the police are looking for the diggers offline to charge them with unauthorized excavations and preparing a robbery.

puta madre

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