Zionists Are Not Jews

1 month ago

The Colonizer's & "Settler's Are Not Hebrew Either. American's Especially Are Majorly Confused About The Difference Between A Religion & A Political Ideology and A People & A Place. The Media Has Insured Every Since 911 That Most Americans Are Severely Islamophobic. Scaring Them With Bull Shit Muslim Terrorist Stories For Two Decades To Justify Their Endless "War On Terror" To Enrich Themselves And Maintain Power. Creating Funding & Propagandizing Groups Like Al CIA Da & ISIS To Keep You Scared Of An Enemy After The Effects Of 911 Programming Began To Fade. to Renew The Narrative, Keep The Fear And Business Running. Currently Running The Same Playbook For "Pandemics" & "Climate Change". This Game Is Much Deeper Than The Actors They Put In Front Of You As Politicians & Media. Those People Are There To Distract & Control Your Perspective. They Run Nothing. They Do What They Are Told.

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