Who Are the Real Radicals in American Politics Today

7 months ago

The Plunge Report: Episode 2

"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools." — Herbert Spencer

Who are the Real Political Radicals?
Today, we're diving into a hot-button issue that's front and center in today's political landscape: political radicals. The left often labels conservatives as fascists, while the right counters by calling liberals Marxists. Let's break down these terms and explore their implications.

Marxism, originating from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, advocates for a classless society where the means of production are communally owned. It critiques the inequalities inherent in capitalist systems and seeks to establish a society based on collective ownership and democratic control of resources. Historical examples include:

An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Historical

Cultural Marxism:
This podcast aims to define and expound upon Cultural Marxism, which extends traditional Marxist theory to include various social and cultural dimensions. Cultural Marxism seeks to create division between groups based on race, gender, sexuality, and other identity categories, infiltrating and subverting cultural institutions.

Media's Role:
The media often magnifies fringe groups and political movements, giving them more attention and perceived power than they truly have. Examples include:

Right's Claims of Marxism:
There has been an uptick in claims from Republicans that the political left is influenced by Marxist ideology. Examples include:

The real political radicals in America are the leftists, who operate on almost every level within civil and governmental life. This podcast will continue to explore these topics, providing historical context and analyzing current events.

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Recommended Reading:

James Lindsay
Thomas Sowell
Douglas Murray

Thanks for listening.

Resources Mentioned:

Herbert Spencer: The Principles of Sociology
Marxism and Historical Examples: The Communist Manifesto, The State and Revolution
Chinese Communist Revolution: Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, Mao's Great Famine
Fascism: The Anatomy of Fascism, Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris, Mussolini's Italy
Cultural Marxism: The Dialectical Imagination, Cynical Theories, The Parasitic Mind
Ted Cruz and Cultural Marxism: Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America
Tom Cotton's Claims: Sacred Duty: A Soldier's Tour at Arlington National Cemetery
Allen West and Marxism: Statements during his tenure in Congress
David Horowitz: Radicals of a Destructive Passion
Critical Race Theory: Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, Mapping the Margins
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts: Why Diversity Programs Fail, The Imperative of Integration
Green New Deal: House Resolution 109
Medicare for All: Medicare for All Act of 2019
Black Lives Matter Movement: When They Call You a Terrorist, The Making of Black Lives Matter
ESG Criteria: The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance
January 6 and Oath Keepers: Congressional reports and hearings
Friedrich Nietzsche Quote: On the Genealogy of Morals
Books on Marxism, Communism, and Ideologies: Marxism: Philosophy and Economics, The Madness of Crowds, The New Right
Alt-Right Movement and Charlottesville Rally: Making Sense of the Alt-Right
Donald Trump's Presidency and Media Portrayal: Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House
Anti-Mask and Anti-Vaccine Protests: Analysis from health policy journals
General Resources on Political Radicalism and Marxism: The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848, The Cold War: A New History

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