American Robin Makes nest in Cornhead Machine

7 months ago

An American Robin made his nest in a cornhead machine under the far right Snout and on the bottom sprocket.
It was an amazing discovery when the machine was sent for a service and it travelled +- 240 miles on highways.

The American Robin breeds throughout North America, wintering from southern Canada to central Mexico. Human activities have increased its preferred nesting habitats of woodland edges, and scattered shrubs or trees. It has been reported to be the most abundant species in North America.

It is one of the earliest bird to lay eggs. Under favorable conditions, up to three broods of young are produced in one breeding season. A new nest is built for each clutch and is placed on the ground or high up in a tree. Rather haggard looking adults can be seen in the park towards the end of July as they are pursued by young birds noisily begging for food.

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