Elders Wisdom - Re-emergence - Healing a hamlet from abuse - Devil I see you.

6 months ago

Elders Wisdom - Re-emergence - Healing of a hamlet - parts 1 & 2 - combined.
ELDERS WISDOM - RE-EMERGENCE - PART 2 - Healing of Trauma in the hamlet after abuse.
This week there are 2 parts to this video. Because we. accidentally started an hour early.
Talking about topics of freedom, deep trauma healing, mind control and misinformation. Divide and rule and gaslighting.
Keir Starmer - Globalist leader. Classic Divide and Conquer techniques.
Problem Reaction Solution.
John O’loony. Civil unrest. Don’t comply:
We need to unify and stand together.
The term ‘far right’ is a cheap buzz word that dehumanises people with genuine concerns.
Rather than solve the problem it radicalises individuals to commit insane reprehensible acts of criminality.
Condemn the violence and address the grievances. You can do both. #riots #nigelfarage

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