The Path to Dives' Destination; Luke 16:19-26

6 months ago

Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 8/4/2024. After establishing how His disciples should utilize "unrighteous wealth" for the good of the Kingdom, and then responding to the ridicule of the Pharisees-- Jesus tells an epic parable of the consequences of the lust for mammon. In this message we will begin to study the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, focusing on just two aspects of this unusually complex parable. First we will analyze the dramatic relationship between the two men, both in the "here and now" and the "not yet". Then we will compile a list of the details and principles Jesus reveals about the nature of eternal judgment in Hell. Finally, we will discuss what made the rich man's sin so egregious as to pave his pathway to Hades. Ultimately, we will recognize the reality of eternal physical retribution and how serious the love of money is in determining the path to Dives' destination.

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