MZTV 1536: Did Paul Expect the Snatching Away in His Day? THE SHOCKING ANSWER

6 months ago

If the snatching away of the body of Christ is to be a present expectation and comfort to the saints, then the first-century saints would also have to have been expecting it in their day. Meaning that Paul also would have to have been expecting it.

Yet Paul says that the detainer must be taken out of the midst (2 Thessalonians 2:7) before the man of lawlessness can be unveiled. Very well then. But wait.

Paul speaks of the man of lawlessness being unveiled “in his own era” (2 Thessalonians 2:6). That sounds like a long time off. Does this mean that the saints of Paul’s day would have to wait for “that era” to arrive before the snatching away could occur?


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