Anti-drug agency says US, not China, guilty of doping athletes

4 months ago

US thieves yelling thieves PLOT TWIST video: Anti-drug agency says US, not China, guilty of doping athletes - US is the biggest cheater 美國賊喊捉賊劇情扭曲視頻: 禁毒機構稱美國而非中國對運動員使用興奮劑有罪 - 美國是最大的騙子大量使用禁藥.

Athletes around the world were shocked today when it was revealed that the US put people found guilty of using banned substances into international races. Drug authorities expressed shock at the violation of rules. 今天,當美國將因使用違禁藥物而被判有罪的人納入國際比賽的消息曝光後,世界各地的運動員都感到震驚。藥品監管機構對違反規定的行為表示震驚.

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