UK Bed & Breakfast Whistleblower (Circulated @ 10 Oct 23) - SEE DESCRIPTION

6 months ago

Anyone who is still complying with the belligerent UK Government needs their head examining. State institutionalise pedophilia, organ harvesting, high treason, and countless more crimes have been protected by the mainstream media, such as the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation since the dawn of Tell-Lie-Vision. Two-Tier Policing is rife and the Police are nothing more than agents for the Corporation, their job is to enforce the extortion of money from we the people whilst putting their jackboots on the heads of anyone who dares to refuse the advent of world communism; which is why the Godless, soulless governments in lock-step to the World Economic Forum are bound to because many people in positions of responsibility are involved in pedophilia and more. Genocide, control of food, and ideological subversion are two of the classic components of the Communist playbook.

The mainstream media are the propaganda arm of the deep-state shadow government, and always have been. The are now going full-throttle with the "far-right" narrative which is bullsh!t, and the people "should" by now see the two-tier policing after 4 years of Far-Left Socialist-Marxist ideology pushed and supported by the government who are locked into the One World global government of the WEF. In true bolshevik style the "useless eaters" in the liberals will at some point be seen as surplus to requirements, and that is why the satanic elite to refer to them as "expendable containers", only the dumbest of the dumb will believe communists will reward those who assisted them to gain control.


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