The Role of Bill Gates in the COVID Hoax and in the Roll-Out of the Death Shot

6 months ago

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After listening to this video for several minutes, I realized this is the juiciest 18-minute clip from Mikki Willis' brilliant documentary that focuses on the role of Bill Gates in the COVID Hoax and in the roll-out of the Death Shot, which, has not been watched and appreciated enough, because the film was released ahead of its time (for most – not me!)

It was released in August of 2020, when many more people than today were still completely fast asleep. I uploaded it to this website at the time of its release, which you can see in full, here: 'Plandemic II: Indoctornation' ( and which I have now transcribed below.

By doing so, it has deepened my appreciation of the extraordinary work that Director, Mikki Willis did on the Plandemic Series. I marvel at the reporting excellence; the accuracy and the sourcing of the information presented in this film, which, of course was not done by the Fourth Estate, aka the Fake News Cabal-controlled enemy media. Indeed, they did the so-called "news" did the opposite, brow-beating and hearding their viewers into their sterilizations, disfigurements and deaths.

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